
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Sheet of paper Report

‘It breaks the human’: Torture, disease and death in Syria’s prisons

Harrowing accounts of torture, inhuman conditions and mass deaths in Syria’s prisons The horrifying experiences of detainees subjected to rampant…

August 16, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International India responds to sedition allegations

On August 15, a First Information Report was reportedly registered against Amnesty International India with regard to an event held…

August 16, 2016

Press Release

Hundreds of thousands more risk displacement sparking fresh humanitarian crisis in Iraq

Increased humanitarian assistance is urgently required to alleviate the suffering of millions of Iraqis displaced across the country and to…

August 16, 2016

Press Release

Singapore: Contempt of court bill is a threat to freedom of expression

Singapore’s Administration of Justice (Protection) Bill is a broad and vaguely worded law that will impose yet another undue restriction…

August 16, 2016

Press Release

South Sudan: One year since peace deal, justice still elusive for victims

Renewed violence underscores the urgency of bringing to account those responsible for crimes under international law committed during South Sudan’s…

August 16, 2016

Press Release

Yemen: Bombardment of MSF hospital a deplorable attack

The Saudi Arabia-led coalition’s aerial bombardment of a hospital supported by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Yemen is an atrocious…

August 15, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Welcomes Major Transfer of Guantanamo Detainees

Contact: Nidya Sarria, [email protected] Today the Department of Defense announced 15 detainees were transferred from the Guantánamo Bay detention site.…

August 15, 2016

Press Release

Syria: 10-year-old girl to receive urgent surgery following evacuation from besieged Madaya

A 10-year-old Syrian girl seriously wounded by sniper fire from a Syrian government forces checkpoint in Madaya was successfully evacuated…

August 14, 2016

Press Release

Burundi: UN findings must be a wake-up call on torture

The UN Committee against Torture (CAT) issued a wake-up call to Burundi today, said Amnesty International after the Committee flagged…

August 12, 2016

Press Release

Syria: Russia and U.S. Should Arrange Immediate Evacuation of Ten-Year Old Girl Shot by Sniper

Ghina Ahmad Wadi trapped in besieged town of Madaya and in excruciating pain. Her UK-based aunt issues appeal to UK government…

August 12, 2016

Press Release

Syria: Fresh chemical attack on Aleppo a war crime

The Syrian city of Aleppo has been hit by a suspected chlorine attack, which would amount to a war crime…

August 11, 2016

Press Release

Reaction to The Guardian’s damning report on refugee abuse on Nauru

Responding to The Guardian's "Nauru files" leak today, Amnesty International's Senior Director for Research Anna Neistat said: "This leak has laid bare…

August 11, 2016