
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Trump and Erdogan meeting no time for self-congratulation

"While these two leaders sit and congratulate each other in the White House, thousands of people around the world are feeling the effects of their spiraling assaults on human rights."

May 16, 2017

Press Release

Ninth Circuit Hears Arguments Regarding Muslim and Refugee Ban

“This ban is nothing more than an effort to write anti-Muslim bigotry into law,” said Margaret Huang, executive director of Amnesty International USA.

May 15, 2017

Sheet of paper Report

My Family is in Shock: The Harm Caused by President Trump’s Executive Orders on Travel to the US

The Trump administration’s executive order on travel, scheduled for another federal appeals court review on Monday, would harm both immigrants and U.S. citizens if allowed to enter into effect, warns Amnesty International in a briefing paper released today.

May 15, 2017

Press Release

Knee-jerk repression as LGBTI activists arrested over Chechnya petition

Denis Krivosheev, Deputy Director for Europe and Central Asia at Amnesty International, responds to today’s detention of five LGBTI activists as they were trying to deliver a petition to the Office of Russia's Prosecutor General on Chechnya.

May 11, 2017

Press Release

Venezuela: Use of military courts against civilians undermines rule of law

The use of military courts to try civilians in Venezuela undermines the rule of law in the country, violating the Venezuelan constitution and international laws.

May 10, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International Mobilizes Members for National Week of Resistance Against Muslim Ban

This week Amnesty International is mobilizing its 1.2 million members and supporters in the U.S. to join with the American Civil Liberties Union, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, National Immigration Law Center and others to take action opposing the Muslim ban for the National Week of Resistance. Activists will rally outside of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, VA on May 8 as well as the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Seattle, WA on May 15. Throughout the week, activists will be contacting their members of Congress to demand they override the ban.…

May 8, 2017

Press Release

El Salvador: Critical opportunity to put an end to total criminalization of abortion

The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador has a historic opportunity to reject the criminalization of abortion and protect the health and lives of millions of women throughout the country.

May 8, 2017

Press Release

Nigeria: Privacy of 82 Chibok girls released should be a priority

In response to the announcement by Nigerian government that secured the release of 82 Chibok girls abducted by Boko Haram, Osai Ojigho, Amnesty International’s Nigeria Director said the following.

May 7, 2017

Press Release

Brazil: Spike in killings by Rio police as country faces UN review

Authorities in Brazil are increasingly turning a blind eye to a deepening human rights crisis of their own making, Amnesty International said in a report to the United Nations Human Rights Council ahead of a review of the country on 5 May. Since Brazil last faced scrutiny at the UN’s Universal Periodic Review in 2012, a spike in violence has seen killings by the police in Rio de Janeiro nearly doubled to 182 in the first two months of 2017, as well as soaring rates of killings and other human rights violations elsewhere in the country. “Since the last review at…

May 5, 2017

Press Release

Secretary Kelly’s Cruel Remarks Attack the Rights of Asylum-Seekers

Secretary Kelly has commented on the deportation of a young mother and child who sought asylum from horrific violence and human rights abuses in Honduras. According to Senator Bob Casey, the mother and child fled Honduras to the United States after witnessing the murder of a cousin and being pursued by gangs. They were held in an immigration detention facility in Berks County, Pennsylvania before being deported without ever presenting their full case in front of an immigration judge. Amnesty International USA recently launched a campaign urging Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to release several other families with young children…

May 4, 2017

Press Release

Young Mother and Child to be Imminently Deported Without a Full Asylum Hearing

According to Senator Bob Casey, a young mother and child who sought asylum from horrific violence and human rights abuses in Honduras have been ordered deported despite not being able to present their full case in front of an immigration judge. Mother and child fled Honduras to the United States after witnessing the murder of a cousin and being pursued by gangs. The family had sought review by the U.S. Supreme Court while being held in an immigration detention facility in Berks County, Pennsylvania, but were denied. Amnesty International USA launched a campaign in March urging Immigration and Customs Enforcement…

May 3, 2017

Press Release

Trump Administration Literally Trying to Erase Human Rights

Just days after marking Trump’s first 100 days in office by detailing 100 ways his administration has threatened human rights, Amnesty International again reacted to new actions by the Trump Administration that appear to push human rights to the sidelines.

May 3, 2017