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Press Release

Amnesty International USA: Muslim Ban Leaves Families in Limbo

On Friday, the Justice Department filed arguments in support of the Muslim ban in two cases. Margaret Huang, executive director of Amnesty International USA, had the following reaction: “With these latest legal maneuvers, the Trump administration is showing a reckless disregard for the thousands of people whose lives have been thrown into chaos by the Muslim ban. Every time the Trump administration doubles down on this failed policy, it means more fear and uncertainty for people who are separated from their families and afraid of being harassed. By now, most Americans understand that President Trump’s Muslim ban is rooted in…

March 25, 2017

Press Release

Mexico: “Open season” on journalists as third reporter killed in a month

The killing of the third journalist in a month in Mexico raises new alarms about the state of free expression in the country, said Amnesty International. 

March 24, 2017

Press Release

Evidence points to war crimes by Libyan National Army forces

Shocking video evidence has emerged showing fighters from the Libyan National Army (LNA) carrying out execution-style killings of captured fighters from the Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries (SCBR) in the Ganfouda area of Benghazi, said Amnesty International. The two separate incidents may amount to war crimes, adding to the long list of crimes under international law that have been committed with impunity by armed groups and militias in both Western and Eastern Libya. 

March 23, 2017

Press Release

Yemen: Multibillion-dollar arms sales by USA and UK reveal shameful contradiction with aid efforts

The USA and UK are fuelling serious violations that have caused devastating civilian suffering through multibillion-dollar arms transfers to Saudi Arabia that vastly overshadow their humanitarian efforts, said Amnesty International.

March 22, 2017

Press Release

USA: New airline restrictions could be yet more bigotry disguised as policy

Responding to reports that overnight the US Department of Homeland Security has decided to issue new airline requirements for eight Muslim-majority countries, forbidding passengers from bringing on board any electronic device larger than a cellphone, Naureen Shah, Senior Director of Campaigns at Amnesty International USA, said: “While there may be legitimate security reasons behind this decision, President Trump’s blatant anti-Muslim rhetoric and the total lack of explanation about these new restrictions raises serious concerns that this could be yet more bigotry disguised as policy. This could be the latest in what looks set to be a long line of discriminatory measures deployed by the Trump…

March 21, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International USA: Congress Must End Legal Battle Over Muslim Ban

Following President Trump’s appeal against a ruling by a federal judge in Maryland blocking the revised Muslim ban, Margaret Huang, executive director Amnesty International USA, had the following reaction: “President Trump’s Muslim ban remains indefensible, no matter how many times it is brought to court. Like the previous order, it subjects people to discriminatory and unlawful treatment. A prolonged legal battle over this ban will create more uncertainty for families around the world. Congress must intervene and pass legislation to permanently override this order.”

March 17, 2017

©Alex Wong/Getty Images

Press Release

President Trump’s Proposed Budget is a Minefield for Human Rights

In response to President Trump’s proposed federal budget, Amnesty International USA’s executive director, Margaret Huang, released the following statement:

March 16, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International USA: Hawaii Ruling Affirms Discriminatory Nature of Trump Refugee Order

Following a ruling by a federal judge in Hawaii blocking President Trump’s revised Muslim ban, Margaret Huang, executive director Amnesty International USA had the following reaction: “As long as this hateful policy remains, it will continue to be fought in courts while thousands of people and families are trapped in uncertainty. Congress can end this by passing legislation that effectively nullifies the ban. This decision against the ban tells us what we already know: this is anti-Muslim bigotry falsely packaged as security. Hatred won’t make us safe. The ban must be repealed now.”

March 15, 2017

Press Release

Saudi Arms Deal Would Fan Flames of Conflict

Amnesty International this week urged President Trump not to approve impending arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The deals would arm members of a military coalition that has attacked thousands of civilians in Yemen and violated international humanitarian law. Amnesty International researchers have already found both unexploded U.S. bombs and identifiable fragments of exploded U.S. bombs among the ruins of Yemeni homes and other civilian objects.

March 14, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International Marks Sixth Anniversary of Syrian War

As war crimes and crimes against humanity continue to go unpunished in Syria, an Amnesty International campaign marking the sixth anniversary of the crisis calls on world leaders to take immediate action to deliver justice, truth and reparations to the millions of victims of the conflict.

March 14, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International USA: Court Ruling Shows New Refugee Order is More of the Same Hateful Bigotry

Following a ruling by a federal judge in Wisconsin temporarily blocking President Trump’s revised Muslim ban from applying to a Syrian man and his family, Margaret Huang, executive director Amnesty International USA had the following reaction: “No amount of revision will change the fact that this ban is nothing more than anti-Muslim bigotry dressed up as policy. This order continues to tear families apart and cause needless pain and anxiety for thousands of people. It is the same hate and fear in different packaging. We urge Congress to end this legal purgatory and repeal the ban once and for all.”

March 11, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Launches Campaign to Free Young Children and Mothers Detained by ICE for Over 500 Days

Amnesty International USA is launching a campaign today urging Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to release several families with young children being detained at the Berks County Residential Center in Pennsylvania. Four of the 35 children currently detained at Berks – aged three, four, seven and 16 – have been at the Center for over 500 days, despite having pending applications for legal permanent residency.

March 10, 2017