
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Backlash to Trump’s Muslim Ban Grows, with Protests Across Country Set for Today

Amid growing public, political, and legal opposition to President Donald Trump's order barring many Muslims from entering the U.S., protests against the ban are set for today in cities and towns across the country. "A religious test for refugees is unlawful and discriminatory, and it flies in the face of American values. People across the country are standing up to demand that Congress block this Muslim ban," said Margaret Huang, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA. Amnesty International members will hold protests this afternoon and tonight outside the White House, in New York's Union Square, in Boston's Dewey Square, at…

February 3, 2017

Press Release

During Bodega Protests Today on Muslim Ban, Amnesty International Will Drive Calls to Senate from Across U.S.

‘Today, we're standing with the bodega owners and workers who are refusing to be intimidated and silenced by this cruel and unlawful Muslim ban, and we're demanding that Congress step in and block it.’ As hundreds of bodega owners and workers in New York City shut down from noon to 8 pm today to protest President Trump's order effectively banning many Muslims from entering the U.S., Amnesty International USA will mobilize people across the country to call their Senators and demand they step in and block the ban. Through SMS/text mobilization to its nationwide activist network and street outreach in…

February 2, 2017

Press Release

Trump Australia Call Shows Need for Congress to Act

Following reports of a tense phone call between President Trump and Australian Prime Minister Turnbull centered on refugees and subsequent comments by the president, Margaret Huang, Amnesty International USA executive director, released the following statement.

February 2, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International to Newly Confirmed Secretary of State: We Will Hold You Accountable

Despite concerns from human rights groups, including Amnesty International USA, about his nomination, former Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson was confirmed today as Secretary of State.

February 1, 2017

Sheet of paper Report

South Africa: Women and girls risk unsafe abortions after being denied legal services

Women and girls risk unsafe abortions that can lead to serious health complications, and even death, due to persistent barriers to legal abortion services, according to research by Amnesty International and the Women’s Health Research Unit of the School of Public Health and Family Medicine at the University of Cape Town.

January 31, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Mobilizes Members to Pressure Congress on Travel Ban

Following President Trump’s executive order banning immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries, Amnesty International USA is mobilizing its over one million U.S. grassroots supporters and activists to tell their senators to speak out against the order.

January 30, 2017


Ethiopia: Zone 9

At the end of 2016 Amnesty International published a report titled Ethiopia Offline: Evidence of Social Media Blocking and Internet Censorship in Ethiopia. This report documented how social media and networks in Addis Ababa and the Oromia region were being blocked by the Ethiopian government.

January 27, 2017


Sheet of paper Report

“If you are poor you are killed”: Extrajudicial Executions in the Philippines’ “War on Drugs”

Acting on instructions from the very top of government, the Philippines police have killed and paid others to kill thousands of alleged drug offenders in a wave of extrajudicial executions that may amount to crimes against humanity, Amnesty International said in a report published today.

January 27, 2017


Trump’s Global Gag Rule a blow for women’s rights and lives.

A mere two days after millions of people marched around the word with and in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington, President Donald J. Trump announced the “Global Gag Rule,” a major blow to women’s rights and human rights worldwide.

January 26, 2017

Press Release

Executive Action on Refugees is Cruel and Inhumane

Based on reports and remarks made by President Trump, Amnesty International USA had the following reaction to an executive order regarding extreme and unwarranted restrictions on immigrants

January 26, 2017


Human Rights, Justice and Nigeria’s Security Sector: Will 2017 see the change that is needed?

By Adotei Akwei and Miho Mitobe In late November AI released a report on human rights violations committed by Nigerian security forces in the southeast of the country. The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) had conducted largely peaceful marches as part of an effort to establish an independent state, and the response was brutal and depressing in its familiarity.  It is not the first time that AI has called on the Nigerian government to investigate possible crimes against humanity by the security forces. In fact, before and since taking office, President Buhari frequently reiterated that Amnesty reports would be read…

January 25, 2017

Press Release

We Will Fight Trump’s Effort to Close U.S. Borders

Today President Donald Trump issued several executive orders related to immigration, including constructing a wall on the border with Mexico, building more detention centers, and stripping sanctuary cities of federal funding.

January 25, 2017