
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Qatar: Blocking of Doha News website ‘an outright attack’ on media freedom

In response to the news that access to Doha News, Qatar’s leading independent English language daily news site has been blocked to internet users inside the country, James Lynch, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Global Issues said:   “This is an alarming setback for freedom of expression in the country. Deliberately blocking people in Qatar from accessing a legitimate news website would be an outright attack on media freedom.    “As the nation that founded the Al Jazeera media network and which hosts a centre dedicated to promoting global media freedom, Qatar should be at the forefront of those championing…

December 1, 2016

Press Release

Justice Department Must Investigate Policing of Standing Rock Demonstrations

Based on information gathered by four Amnesty International USA human rights observer delegations and reports from the area, AIUSA has formally requested an investigation by the Department of Justice into the policing of the Dakota Access Pipeline demonstrations.

November 30, 2016

Press Release

Venezuela: Authorities must ensure that human rights violations committed by security forces are investigated and punished

In light of recent information on another possible case of arbitrary detentions, forced disappearances and the execution of 12 young people allegedly committed in the context of the so-called Operation Liberation and Protection of the People (OLP), Amnesty International urges the Venezuelan authorities to comply with their obligation to guarantee justice, truth and reparation, including a guarantee of non-recurrence, for the relatives of victims of crimes under international law and grave human rights violations.   On 15 October 2016, Elizer Ramírez, Antony Vargas, Antonio Aladejo, Luis Sanz, Dennys Acevedo, Oscar Rodríguez, Yorman Mejias, Freddy Hernández, Víctor Manuel Martínez, Jairo Rivas,…

November 30, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

The great palm oil scandal: Labor abuses behind big brand names

The world’s most popular food and household companies are selling food, cosmetics and other everyday staples containing palm oil tainted by shocking human rights abuses in Indonesia, with children as young as eight working in hazardous conditions, said Amnesty International in a new report published today.

November 28, 2016

Press Release

Uganda: Denounce unlawful killings and ensure accountability in aftermath of deadly clashes

The Ugandan security forces must not jettison human rights in their handling of the clashes in Kasese, which resulted in at least 62 deaths and hundreds of arrests over the weekend, Amnesty International said.   Police say at least 46 of the local king’s guards were killed and 139 others arrested during clashes at his palace in the western Uganda town of Kasese. The king, Charles Wesley Mumbere, was also arrested.   According to police, the clashes followed attacks by the king’s guards on multiple police stations on 26 November, killing at least 14 police officers.   “The full picture…

November 28, 2016

Press Release

Syria: Civilians in eastern Aleppo city fear revenge attacks

Syrian government forces who have captured parts of eastern Aleppo city in recent days must ensure that civilians living in these areas are allowed to move freely and are protected from revenge attacks including arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearance or harassment, said Amnesty International today.   Yesterday Syrian government forces took control of two neighborhoods in eastern Aleppo, Jabal Badro and Maskaen Hanano, where at least 100 families are currently living. Many who remain in eastern Aleppo city told Amnesty International that they fear acts of revenge by government forces.   “Syrian government forces have repeatedly launched unlawful attacks on…

November 28, 2016

Press Release

Fidel Castro’s human rights legacy: A tale of two worlds

Fidel Castro’s achievements in improving access to public services for millions of Cubans were tempered by a systemic repression of basic freedoms during his time in power, Amnesty International said following the death of the former Cuban leader.

November 26, 2016

Press Release

Arrest of famed cartoonist Zunar in Malaysia is an outrage

“The arrest of Zunar is an outrage. The charge of sedition against him must be dropped immediately and he must be unconditionally released from detention. What we are seeing is the choking of dissent in Malaysia, where repressive laws are being used to silence and punish peaceful voices under the guise of national security,” said Josef Benedict, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

November 26, 2016


Why I Decide to Say “I Welcome” to Refugees

I’m an LC in Vermont and, like my colleagues, I’m busy saying “I Welcome.”

November 22, 2016


Imprisoned for Photography: Shawkan, 2016 Write for Rights Case

In August 2013, Shawkan was taking photos of a peaceful sit-in when security forces moved in violently.

November 22, 2016

Sheet of paper Report

Bullets Were Raining Everywhere: Deadly Repression of Pro-Biafra Activists

The Nigerian security forces, led by the military, embarked on a chilling campaign of extrajudicial executions and violence resulting in the deaths of at least 150 peaceful pro-Biafra protesters in the south east of the country, according to an investigation by Amnesty International published today.

November 22, 2016

Press Release

Yemen: Hospitals and medical workers under attack by anti-Huthi forces in Ta’iz

Anti-Huthi forces in Yemen’s southern city of Ta’iz are leading a campaign of harassment and intimidation against hospital staff and are endangering civilians by stationing fighters and military positions near medical facilities, said Amnesty International today.

November 22, 2016