
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Statement Responding to Toddler’s Death After Detention at Border

Responding to news reports of the death of a Guatemalan toddler who fell ill after being taken into custody at a Customs and Border Protection facility in El Paso, Ashley Houghton, tactical campaigns manager at Amnesty International USA, issued the following statement:

May 16, 2019

Press Release

Remain in Mexico Plan Must Not Stand

Reacting to news that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has halted the district court’s injunction of the Remain in Mexico plan, Charanya Krishnaswami, advocacy director for the Americas at Amnesty International USA, issued this statement:

May 7, 2019

Press Release

President Trump’s Funding Request Threatens Lives of People Seeking Protection

Today President Trump put forth a request to Congress for $4.4 billion in funding to address issues at the US-Mexico border. This funding request comes just as reports are surfacing of another death of an unaccompanied child in US government custody. Charanya Krishnaswami, advocacy director for the Americas at Amnesty International USA, released the following statement:

May 1, 2019

People lit candles on the Trocadero where they watch The Eiffel tower going dark at midnight in Paris, as an homage to the victims of Sri Lanka bombings, during the night of April 21-22, 2019. - At the stroke of midnight in Paris, the Eiffel Tower went dark to honor the more than 200 people who died in the Sri Lanka bomb attacks. (Photo by Zakaria ABDELKAFI / AFP) (Photo credit should read ZAKARIA ABDELKAFI/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Sri Lanka: Attacks another grim reminder of the need to tackle hate

The shocking Sunday morning  bombing attacks targeting churches and hotels in three cities in Sri Lanka resulting in more than 290 deaths and leaving more than 500 people injured, is yet another grim wake-up to the intolerance and hatred surging through societies across the world, Amnesty International said today. “Amnesty International stands in complete solidarity with Sri Lanka in its time of grief and we extend our deepest sympathy to the victims, to their family, friends and communities. Our hearts go out to all the people of Sri Lanka and we call on the authorities to ensure truth and justice prevail…

April 22, 2019

Press Release

Attorney General Announcement on Asylum-Seekers is Heartless and Cruel

Following the Attorney General’s announcement that those who pass the initial credible fear test for seeking asylum will not be eligible for bond and will be detained indefinitely, Charanya Krishnaswami, Americas advocacy director for Amnesty International USA, made the following statement.

April 16, 2019


Press Release

Libya: Release migrants and refugees trapped in detention centers amid escalating clashes

Responding to a news report that more than 700 refugees and migrants in Libya were trapped in a detention center in Qasr bin Ghasher in close proximity to intense armed clashes in Tripoli, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa, Magdalena Mughrabi, said:

April 15, 2019

Press Release

After observing asylum hearings, Amnesty International calls to stop illegal pushbacks of asylum seekers to Mexico

The US government must immediately halt its illegal pushbacks of thousands of asylum seekers at the border with Mexico and instead facilitate their prompt reception and the processing of their cases under US law, said Amnesty International today during a visit to the border.

April 11, 2019

Press Release

Amnesty Intl US and Canada condemn proposals to restrict refugee protection in Canada for claimants coming through the United States

The US is not safe for all refugees. The Canadian government should suspend the US/Canada border pact and allow those in need of refugee protection to access it in Canada. Amnesty International is deeply concerned that the US government, at the request of the Canadian government, is considering altering an agreement that would make it more likely that refugees seeking asylum in Canada would be returned to the United States. This week, the Canadian government also introduced a bill that includes provisions that would bar individuals from making a refugee claim in Canada if they have made a prior asylum…

April 10, 2019


Amnesty International USA Statement for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Review of the FY2020 State Department Budget Request

April 10, 2019 The Honorable James E. Risch                                   The Honorable Bob Menendez Chairman                                                                  Ranking Member Foreign Relations Committee                                      Foreign Relations Committee U.S. Senate                    …

April 9, 2019

Press Release

Libya: Civilian lives must be protected as clashes escalate in Tripoli offensive

Fears of further civilian bloodshed are growing as clashes on the outskirts of Tripoli, between forces from the self-proclaimed Libyan National Army, under General Khalifa Haftar’s command, and militias aligned with Libya’s internationally recognized Government of National Accord escalate.

April 8, 2019

Yellow and white graphic with the Amnesty international logo on the bottom left and the word

Press Release

Congress Must Reject Inhumane DHS Policy Proposals

Responding to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s letter to Congress, Charanya Krishnaswami, Americas Advocacy Director at Amnesty International USA stated: “Secretary Nielsen is ready to exploit the vulnerable situations of families in order to send a loud message to the world that refugees are not welcome in America. “The US must live up to its promise and implement humane policies that do not unnecessarily detain people seeking safety and protection. “The DHS’s argument that treating asylum seekers humanely fuels migration is a blatant lie meant to curb the basic rights of those fleeing violence and persecution in their…

March 29, 2019


Amnesty International USA Recommends All House Members VOTE YES on veto override of H.J.Res. 46, Terminating the National Emergency Declaration

March 26, 2019   Dear Member of Congress: On behalf of Amnesty International USA and our more than two million members and supporters nationwide, we urge you to override President Trump’s veto and vote YES on the House Resolution to terminate President Trump's national emergency declaration. As we wrote in February, when the House originally voted on this resolution, by declaring a national emergency at the southern border, the President has manufactured a crisis for the purpose of militarizing the southern border region and blocking asylum seekers from safety in the U.S. The emergency declaration enables the President to raid…

March 26, 2019