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Press Release

Syrian refugee women in Lebanon face heightened risk of exploitation and sexual harassment

Shortfalls in international assistance and discriminatory policies imposed by the Lebanese authorities are creating conditions that facilitate the exploitation and…

February 1, 2016

Press Release

Reinstatement of Nigerian army general implicated in mass murder makes mockery of commitments to end war crimes

The reinstatement of a senior Nigerian military general implicated in the mass murder of hundreds of detainees underlines the monumental…

January 29, 2016

Press Release

Guantánamo Now Open Longer Under President Obama Than President Bush

Two weeks after the Guantánamo Bay detention site entered its 15th year of operation, the detention site faces a new…

January 29, 2016

Press Release

Serious gaps exposed in Luxembourg banking regulations to stem reckless arms trade that fuels atrocities

Inadequate and incomplete regulations and policies on financing the arms sector mean there is little to stop banks from financing…

January 29, 2016

Press Release

Chinese authorities intensify crackdown against critics with deplorable jail terms for rights activists

Three Chinese human rights campaigners who were handed jail sentences on Friday for publishing books on democracy and activism are…

January 29, 2016

Press Release

Myanmar must scrap or amend new law that could grant immunity to former presidents

Myanmar should immediately repeal or amend a new law passed today which could grant former presidents blanket immunity for human…

January 28, 2016

Press Release

Turkey fails to respond to desperate pleas of seriously injured as deaths mount

The Turkish authorities are failing to respond to the desperate pleas of more than 20 injured residents sheltering for six…

January 28, 2016

Press Release

Dutch plan for EU refugee swap with Turkey is morally bankrupt

A new plan to tackle unprecedented refugee flows to Europe, mooted by the Dutch Presidency of the European Union today,…

January 28, 2016

Press Release

Satellite evidence in Burundi supports witness accounts of mass graves

Compelling new satellite images, video footage and witness accounts analyzed by Amnesty International in a new briefing strongly indicate that…

January 27, 2016

Press Release

Appeals court in Egypt upholds prison sentence for five activists including poet Ahmed Said

Today’s appeals court ruling upholding a two-year prison sentence for five activists, who were convicted of allegedly taking part in…

January 27, 2016

Press Release

AIUSA reaction to recommendations to reduce prison population

The Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections released recommendations on prison reform today. The recommendations include ending mandatory minimums…

January 26, 2016

Press Release

20-year-old in Egypt marks two years in jail for anti-torture t-shirt

The continued detention of Mahmoud Hussein, a 20-year-old student who has spent more than two years in jail without charge…

January 26, 2016