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Press Release

Libya: Civilians trapped in Benghazi in desperate conditions as fighting encroaches

Fears are growing for hundreds of civilians who are trapped in a Benghazi neighbourhood which faces intensified fighting after several months under military blockade, Amnesty International said today. The organization has gathered testimony from some of the 130 Libyan families and hundreds of foreign nationals who have been trapped for months in the residential district of Ganfouda, in south-west Benghazi. All entry roads are blocked by the fighting or Libyan National Army forces, and food, water and electricity supplies have been cut off. “Time is running out for civilians in Ganfouda, who are being left to die trapped by the…

September 29, 2016


AIUSA Appoints New Executive Director Margaret Huang

Margaret has played a key leadership role at AIUSA for the last several years, and she has worked in partnership with the Board, members, and staff to strengthen the organization in order to protect people’s human rights – no matter who they are or where they are.

September 28, 2016


Why we’re still fighting on September 28th—the Global Day of Action to Decriminalize Abortion

Three years on, our work on sexual and reproductive rights remains as important as ever. Here’s why we’re still fighting.

September 28, 2016

Press Release

Nigeria: Crackdown on journalists and assault on protests shrinking civic space

The continuing spate of arrests and detentions of journalists and bloggers amid the security forces’ violent disruption of peaceful protests underscores how the Nigerian government appears determined to crush dissent and suffocate freedom of expression, said Amnesty International today.  The organization is calling for the authorities to ensure the rights of Nigerians to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, as guaranteed by international human rights law and the Nigerian Constitution. “The escalation in the intimidation of journalists and bloggers over recent months seems to be little more than a barefaced attempt by the Nigerian government to muzzle dissenting…

September 28, 2016

Press Release

Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories: Pattern of unlawful killings reveals shocking disregard for human life

Nearly a year on from a bloody spike in violence in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) Israeli forces continue to display an appalling disregard for human life by using reckless and unlawful lethal force against Palestinians, Amnesty International said today.

September 28, 2016

Press Release

Thailand: Torture victims must be heard

Silencing human rights activists who highlight human rights violations will not solve the problem of torture and other ill-treatment in Thailand, Amnesty International said today. In Bangkok, Thailand’s authorities prevented Amnesty International from proceeding with the launch of “Make Him Speak by Tomorrow: Torture and Other Ill-Treatment in Thailand.” This report details torture and other ill-treatment at the hands of soldiers and the police against suspected insurgents, government opponents, and a range of individuals from vulnerable backgrounds, including alleged drug users and minorities. “The Thai authorities should be addressing torture, not human rights activists doing their legitimate work. Instead of…

September 28, 2016

Press Release

Iran: Shameful 16-year-sentence for Narges Mohammadi a devastating blow to human rights

In response to the news that the 16-year prison sentence against prominent human rights defender Narges Mohammadi, who is critically ill, has been upheld on appeal, Amnesty International’s Research and Advocacy Director, Philip Luther, said: “This verdict is yet another cruel and devastating blow to human rights in Iran, which demonstrates the authorities’ utter contempt for justice. Narges Mohammadi is a prominent advocate of human rights and a prisoner of conscience. She should be lauded for her courage not locked in a prison cell for 16 years. “By insisting that this harsh and appalling sentence is imposed for her peaceful…

September 28, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International welcomes release of Dr. Homa Hoodfar from prison in Iran

Amnesty International Canada welcomes the release of Dr. Homa Hoodfar from Iranian prison after more than three and a half months of detention on arbitrary charges with extremely limited access to her family or lawyer. Amnesty International considered Dr. Hoodfar to have been a prisoner of conscience detained on trumped-up, national security-related charges. She was imprisoned in solitary confinement in Tehran’s Evin Prison, which is under the control of the Revolutionary Guards. During this period, grave concerns were raised about her health and lack of access to adequate medical care. Amnesty International lobbied Iranian authorities for her immediate and unconditional…

September 27, 2016

Press Release

Landmark ICC verdict against Al-Mahdi must be first step to broader justice in Mali conflict

Today’s International Criminal Court (ICC) conviction of Ahmad Al Faqi Al-Mahdi, a senior member of the Ansar Eddine armed group, must be the first step towards broader accountability for all crimes committed during Mali’s 2012 conflict, Amnesty International said.  The ICC sentenced Al-Mahdi to 9 years imprisonment for intentionally directing attacks against religious buildings and historical monuments in the northern town of Timbuktu between June and July 2012. Al-Mahdi admitted his guilt to the court.   “This verdict is a clear recognition that attacks on religious and historical monuments can destroy the culture and identity of a population and constitute…

September 27, 2016

Press Release

Colombia: Historic peace deal must ensure justice and an end to human rights abuses

The success of an historic peace deal between the Colombian government and the country’s largest guerilla group, which was officially signed today in Cartagena, rests on the Colombian authorities’ ability to ensure truth, justice and reparation for the millions of victims of the more than 50 year-long conflict, said Amnesty International. The peace agreement will still need to be ratified via a plebiscite, to be held on 2 October. “Today will rightly be a day of celebration in Colombia. The authorities must now guarantee this historic achievement is not undermined by ensuring that all those responsible for the despicable crimes…

September 27, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Appoints Margaret Huang Executive Director

Amnesty International USA’s Board of Directors announced today that Margaret Huang, a longtime human rights leader in the U.S., who has served in key leadership roles in the organization for the last several years, has been appointed Executive Director.

September 27, 2016

Press Release

Killing of Jordanian journalist a deplorable attack on freedom of expression

The shooting to death of a prominent journalist outside a court in Amman yesterday is an alarming attack on freedom of expression, said Amnesty International.

September 26, 2016