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Press Release

Violence spirals in Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories

An upsurge of violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and in Israel since October 1 has seen at least…

October 13, 2015

Press Release

Burkina Faso: No amnesty for soldiers who killed unarmed civilians

Burkina Faso’s former presidential guard displayed a cold-blooded disregard for human life, killing 14 unarmed protestors and bystanders and wounding…

October 13, 2015

Press Release

U.S. ally’s razing of villages in Syria amounts to war crimes

A fact-finding mission to northern Syria has uncovered a wave of forced displacement and home demolitions amounting to war crimes…

October 12, 2015

Press Release

Catastrophic moral failure as rich countries leave millions of refugees to cruel and uncertain fates

The catastrophic moral failure of world leaders who dither and squabble among themselves while callously leaving millions of people to…

October 12, 2015

Press Release

Imprisoned cartoonist subjected to forced virginity test in Iran

A recent revelation by satirical cartoonist Atena Farghadani that she was forced to undergo a “virginity and pregnancy test,” prior…

October 9, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Statement on 2015 World Day Against the Death Penalty

The 13th annual World Day Against the Death Penalty will take place on Saturday, October 10th. Activists and organizations will…

October 9, 2015

Press Release

Foreign media refused entry in Nauru after refugee rape claims

News that Nauru has refused Al Jazeera journalists permission to enter the country is just the latest development in a…

October 9, 2015

Press Release

Nobel Peace Prize fitting tribute to Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet’s fight for rights and freedoms

The Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet’s newly awarded Nobel Peace Prize is a fitting tribute to its members’ work in strengthening…

October 9, 2015

Press Release

Almost 100 prisoners of conscience in Myanmar behind bars ahead of elections following intensifying repression

Myanmar’s authorities have been locking up and harassing scores of peaceful activists as part of an intensifying and far-reaching crackdown…

October 7, 2015

Press Release

Back to the Old Ways

Myanmar’s authorities have been locking up and harassing scores of peaceful activists as part of an intensifying and far-reaching crackdown…

October 7, 2015

Press Release

EU must formally warn Hungary over refugee crisis violations

The Hungarian government has invested more than 1OO million euros on razor-wire fencing and border controls to keep refugees and…

October 7, 2015

Press Release

Suspension of judges in Botswana potentially threatens freedom of expression and judicial independence

Botswana’s authorities must lift the suspension of four High Court judges unfairly targeted if the independence of the judiciary is…

October 7, 2015