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Press Release

Amnesty International Sends Delegation of Human Rights Observers to Democratic National Convention

Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) will deploy human rights observers to monitor protests and law enforcement response at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA, this week as it did for last week’s National Republican Convention in Cleveland, OH.

July 24, 2016


Turkey Could Be Taking A Big Step Backwards In Human Rights

Please note this article first appeared on here. By Katy Pownall, News Writer at Amnesty International It’s rush hour on Istanbul’s Bosphorus Bridge. Queues of cars jostle for position, the noise of horns fills the air, a young man selling Turkish flags weaves through the traffic carrying dozens of fluttering pieces of fabric; red and emblazoned with the country’s striking crescent and star. Looking at the bustling scene, it’s difficult to believe that just a week ago, this same bridge was the scene of bloody carnage. The place where heavily armed soldiers and tanks first stationed themselves, and Istanbul’s inhabitants realized that…

July 22, 2016

Press Release

Human Rights Delegation Observes Largely Peaceful Protests on Last Night of Republican National Convention

Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) has deployed human rights observers to monitor protests at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, OH, this week and will do the same at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA, next week. The following is a statement from Eric Ferrero, AIUSA’s Deputy Executive Director for Strategic Communications and Digital Initiatives, on the protests in Cleveland on July 21.

July 22, 2016

Press Release

Saudi Arabia’s Execution Toll Reaches 100

According to the Saudi Press Agency, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Interior announced that an execution was carried out in Riyadh today bringing the total number of executions carried out so far in 2016 to 100.

July 22, 2016

Press Release

Human Rights Groups Call on U.S. to Withhold Aid to Mexican Military

Ahead of the Mexican president’s visit to the U.S., Amnesty International joined with six other human rights groups to call on the U.S. government to once again withhold aid to Mexico’s security forces. The groups submitted a joint memorandum to the State Department and U.S. Congress concerning the Mexican government’s failure to meet human rights requirements set out in the Merida Initiative.

July 21, 2016

Press Release

State of emergency must not roll back human rights in Turkey

President Erdogan’s announcement of the imposition of a state of emergency must not pave the way for a roll-back in human rights or be used as a pretext to further clamp down on freedom of expression and protections against arbitrary detention and torture, said Amnesty International today.

July 21, 2016

Press Release

Libya: Lives of captives trapped under fire in Benghazi in danger

Airstrikes by the Libyan National Army are endangering the lives of scores of detainees who are being held captive in Benghazi, said Amnesty International.

July 21, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International: Protests Largely Peaceful, with Some Questions About Dispersals and Arrests

Amnesty International's human rights observers were at several protests or marches today, including one where police ordered the crowd to disperse and arrested multiple people. 

July 21, 2016

Press Release

Hong Kong: Guilty verdicts against student leaders latest blow for freedom of expression

The Hong Kong authorities’ prosecution of three pro-democracy student leaders sends a chilling warning for freedom of expression and peaceful assembly in the city, Amnesty International said today, after Joshua Wong, Alex Chow and Nathan Law were found guilty for their roles in events that triggered 2014’s Umbrella Movement.

July 21, 2016


Update: Amnesty Observers at Convention Protests

Amnesty International USA has deployed a delegation of independent human rights observers to monitor protests at the Republican National Convention. We'll be in Philadelphia next week doing the same thing at the Democratic National Convention. This is the first time we've deployed human rights observers to political conventions in the U.S. We're here because we've seen the right to peacefully protest being infringed upon at demonstrations around the country in the years and months leading up to the conventions. Simply put, we're here to help ensure that all people's human rights are respected and protected – as only Amnesty can.…

July 20, 2016

Press Release

Ukraine: Torture and Secret Detention on Both Sides of the Conflict Line

Both the Ukrainian government authorities and Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine are holding civilians in prolonged arbitrary, and sometimes secret detention and torturing them, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said in a joint report released today.

July 20, 2016

Press Release

Despite Some Tension, Cleveland Protests Appear Largely Peaceful

Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) has deployed human rights observers to monitor protests at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, OH, this week and will do the same at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA, next week. The following is a statement from Eric Ferrero, AIUSA’s Deputy Executive Director for Strategic Communications and Digital Initiatives, following the second day of the convention.

July 20, 2016