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Sheet of paper Report

It’s Enough for People to Feel it Exists: Civil Society, Secrecy and Surveillance in Belarus

Belarus authorities are using phone networks run by some of the world’s biggest telecoms companies to stifle free speech and dissent, said Amnesty International in a report published today.

July 6, 2016

Press Release

Supreme Court in Kyrgyzstan to decide on the high profile case of prisoner of conscience Azimjan Askarov

Kyrgyzstan’s authorities must immediately and unconditionally release Azimjan Askarov, a human rights defender serving a life sentence on fabricated charges, in line with the UN Human Rights Committee decision, Amnesty International urged. His case will be reviewed by the Supreme Court on July 11.

July 6, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International Response to Chilcot Report on Iraq War

In response to today’s publication of the Iraq Inquiry, Sir John Chilcot’s much-awaited report on the UK’s involvement in the 2003 Iraq war, Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International said the following

July 6, 2016

Press Release

Hungary: Crackdown on the rights of refugees and migrants continues unabated amidst European Commission inaction

Amnesty International notes with concern the recent legal and policy developments in Hungary, which have further deteriorated the situation of refugees and asylum-seekers seeking protection in the country and have caused ongoing suffering to them.

July 6, 2016

Press Release

Belarus uses telecoms firms to stifle dissent

Belarus authorities are using phone networks run by some of the world’s biggest telecoms companies to stifle free speech and dissent, said Amnesty International in a report published today.

July 6, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Statement in Response to Shooting of Alton Sterling by Baton Rouge Police

“The available video footage of the death of Alton Sterling raises questions about the circumstances of this shooting that must be answered,” said Jamira Burley, campaign manager with Amnesty International USA. "A thorough, impartial and independent investigation must be conducted as soon as possible." “The use of lethal force in the U.S. continues unabated due to inadequate laws and the lack of accountability for officers who are accused of using unnecessary or excessive force. Without reforms, there will be more deaths.  “According to international law, lethal force must only be used as an absolute last resort to prevent death or…

July 6, 2016


Attempts to Interfere with High Profile Trial in Guatemala

Amnesty International has issued an Urgent Action in response to the June 21 raid of Impunity Watch's office in Guatemala. Three armed men forced their way into the office and then blindfolded the organization's secretary and covered her mouth with duct tape before ransacking the files.

July 5, 2016

Press Release

Guinea: New criminal code drops death penalty but fails to tackle impunity and keeps repressive provisions

Guinea’s National Assembly vote in favor of a new criminal code abolishing the death penalty is a significant step for human rights in the country, but the code contains provisions which will strengthen the impunity enjoyed by security personnel and repress the expression of dissent, Amnesty International said.

July 5, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

Our Hearts Have Gone Dark: The Mental Health Impact of South Sudan’s Conflict

People forced to eat human flesh and to disembowel dead bodies during South Sudan’s civil war that began in 2013 are among thousands suffering from trauma and psychological distress amid a chronic shortage of mental healthcare services in the country, Amnesty International said today as the country marks its fifth anniversary.

July 5, 2016

Press Release

Executions in Iraq will not deter further deadly attacks

Iraq’s execution of five prisoners is a brazen knee-jerk reaction to the abhorrent weekend Baghdad bombing and a worrying sign that the country is stepping up its use of the death penalty, Amnesty International said today.

July 5, 2016

Press Release

South Sudan: Devastating impact of war on mental health must be addressed

People forced to eat human flesh and to disembowel dead bodies during South Sudan’s civil war that began in 2013 are among thousands suffering from trauma and psychological distress amid a chronic shortage of mental healthcare services in the country, Amnesty International said today as the country marks its fifth anniversary.

July 5, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty launches ‘Cross-fire’, a new app to document gun violence in Rio ahead of Olympics

Amnesty International is launching a new app to document the use of firearms in Rio de Janeiro before the 2016 Olympic Games.

July 5, 2016