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Press Release

New hopes for justice in Chile for Pinochet-era victims after charges and arrests

News that a Chilean judge is charging 10 former military officers for the killing of singer and political activist Víctor…

July 23, 2015

Press Release

Iran’s ‘staggering’ execution spree: nearly 700 put to death in just over six months

The Iranian authorities are believed to have executed an astonishing 694 people between January 1 and July 15, 2015, said…

July 22, 2015

Press Release

Zimbabwe: End the death penalty after 10-year execution hiatus

A 10-year hiatus in executions is a milestone for the protection of the right to life and the eventual abolition…

July 21, 2015

Press Release

Cambodia: Quash ‘insurrection’ ruling against opposition activists following unfair trial

The Cambodian authorities must immediately quash politically motivated convictions against 11 opposition party activists handed down today after grossly unfair…

July 21, 2015

Press Release

Gambia: Sharp deterioration of human rights in 21st year of President Jammeh’s rule

The human rights situation in Gambia has deteriorated sharply during President Yahya Jammeh's 21st year in power, said Amnesty International…

July 21, 2015

Press Release

India: Execution of Yakub Memon will be regressive

The rejection of Yakub Memon’s curative petition in the Supreme Court today, paving the way for his imminent execution, is…

July 21, 2015

Press Release

Global artists fund giant Cape Town International Airport memorial dedicated to Nelson Mandela

International travellers passing through Cape Town International Airport will soon be greeted by a giant tapestry in memory of global…

July 17, 2015

Press Release

Colombia: National Development Plan threatens to deny the right to land restitution to victims of the armed conflict and allow mining firms to operate on illegally acquired lands

Several key provisions of Law 1753, which was approved by Congress on June 9, and through which the government has…

July 17, 2015

Press Release

Zambia: Commuting death sentences a laudable first step

The decision by President Edgar Lungu to commute the sentences of 332 prisoners awaiting death by hanging to life imprisonment…

July 16, 2015

Press Release

China: Lawyers face 15 years in jail on ‘chilling’ state security charges

The Chinese authorities have ratcheted up their crackdown against human rights lawyers and activists, using draconian state security charges to…

July 16, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Highlights Worker Abuses in Qatar at FIFA Hearing

Amnesty International USA highlighted the exploitation of migrant workers in Qatar and called for reforms today at a hearing held…

July 15, 2015

Press Release

Burkina Faso – Elections cannot ignore women’s crisis

Burkina Faso must urgently tackle the nationwide crisis where forced and early marriage, unwanted pregnancy and lacking sex education reduce…

July 15, 2015