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Press Release

Reckless closure of world’s biggest refugee camp in Kenya will put lives at risk

The Kenyan government’s decision to close down two large refugee camps, including the world’s biggest at Dadaab, is likely to put thousands of innocent lives at risk, said Amnesty International today.

May 6, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International Says UN Refugee Plan Could Be a Game Changer

An upcoming United Nations plan for addressing the unprecedented global refugee crisis could be a game-changer if governments back it up with concrete and long-term commitments, said Amnesty International today.

May 6, 2016


Sentenced to Eight Years in Jail for a Miscarriage

A 27-year-old woman, known as Belén to protect her identity, has spent the past two years in pre-trial detention accused of self-inducting a miscarriage. After the accusations, Belén was arrested by authorities because abortion is illegal in Argentina except under certain circumstances. Belén, however, denies these allegations and tells a different story.

May 5, 2016

Press Release

Security challenges in Iraq do not give carte blanche to commit human rights violations

The daily security threats that plague the lives of Iraqi civilians must not open the door to more human rights violations, Amnesty International warned today at the end of a six-day trip to Baghdad and Erbil headed by the organization’s Secretary General, Salil Shetty.

May 5, 2016

Press Release

Authorities must put end to killing spree of people with albinism in Malawi

Malawian authorities must take immediate action to stop the ritual killings of people with albinism following the discovery of two more mutilated bodies in the past week, Amnesty International said today.

May 5, 2016

Press Release

Bangladesh must halt imminent execution after Supreme Court upholds death sentence

The Bangladeshi authorities should halt the imminent execution of Motiur Rahman Nizami and impose a moratorium on the death penalty, Amnesty International said after the country’s Supreme Court rejected his final appeal today. Nizami, the current chief of Bangladeshi political party Jamaat-e-Islami, was sentenced to death by the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) in Bangladesh in October 2014. He was convicted of murder, rape and the mass killing of intellectuals during Bangladesh’s War of Independence in 1971.

May 5, 2016



What If Eating Caused You Excruciating Pain? This Man’s Impossible Choice

I just ate an apple. Later, I’ll try to resist the temptation to munch on crackers. I keep hearing about the importance of a “clean diet.” I think that means no crackers. Maybe carrots instead? As I make these decisions, I can’t help but compare them to the ones this torture survivor makes every day. If he eats, he will experience excruciating pain. If he wants to avoid the excruciating pain, he cannot eat. This man weighs about 110 pounds. I have seen him through glass, in a makeshift courtroom at Guantanamo, and he seems frail, a wisp of a…

May 4, 2016


Why Gun Violence is a Human Rights Crisis

Human rights are protected and upheld by international and national laws and treaties. Yet in America, guns kill more than 30,000 men, women and children every single year.

May 4, 2016

Press Release

Trial of Mexican woman tortured to confess murder comes to a close as state prosecutors prepare final arguments

A woman who was tortured for 15 hours to confess to a crime and who has been languishing in prison for nearly four years must be released without delay, said Amnesty International ahead of a key decision on the case.

May 4, 2016

Press Release

Pakistan: Investigation crucial after Karachi political activist tortured and killed in custody

Pakistani authorities must carry out an independent, thorough and transparent inquiry into the torture and death of political activist Aftab Ahmad while he was in the custody of the Rangers, a paramilitary force under the command of the Pakistan Army, Amnesty International said today.

May 4, 2016

Press Release

Overdue release of artist in Iran must be followed by freedom for other prisoners of conscience 

The release of Iranian artist and activist Atena Farghadani yesterday is a long-overdue step towards righting the injustice against her and must be followed by the immediate and unconditional release of other peaceful artists and activists who remain behind bars, Amnesty International said today.

May 4, 2016

Press Release

Upholding torture-tainted convictions in Qatar exposes deep flaws in justice system

The convictions of three Filipino nationals on charges of espionage were yesterday upheld by Qatar’s Court of Cassation. The court upheld one life term and two sentences of 15 years’ imprisonment.

May 3, 2016