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Press Release

Kunduz Bombing Needs Independent Investigation

According to media reports, Department of Defense will be releasing public report on its investigation into the U.S. bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan which killed 42 and injured 43, including medical staff and patients, in October 2015.

April 28, 2016

Press Release

China: Scrap Foreign NGO law aimed at choking civil society

The Chinese government must scrap a new law aimed at further smothering civil society, Amnesty International said today.

April 28, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International urges Thailand to release Facebook commenters now

Thailand’s military government is brazenly seeking to shut down debate ahead of a referendum on a draft constitution, Amnesty International said today.

April 27, 2016

Press Release

Surge in killings by police sparks fear in favelas 100 days ahead of Rio Olympics

Residents in many of Rio de Janeiro’s favelas are living in terror after at least 11 people have been killed in police shootings since the beginning of April, Amnesty International warned ahead of the 100-day countdown to the Olympic Games.

April 26, 2016

Press Release

Mass arrests in ruthlessly efficient bid to block peaceful protest in Egypt

Security forces arbitrarily arrested hundreds of people in response to planned protests in Egypt yesterday, said Amnesty International, after large numbers of security forces deployed to prevent demonstrators from gathering in Cairo and elsewhere.

April 26, 2016

Press Release

One year on, Burundians pay the price of entrenched human rights crisis

One year on from the start of the Burundi crisis, the human rights situation in the country continues to deteriorate and accountability for horrific acts of violence remains elusive, Amnesty International said today. The decision by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to open a preliminary examination underlines the gravity of the situation.

April 26, 2016


President Obama Must Appoint ATF Director to Stop the Flow of Illegal Guns

Last month, President Obama unveiled a number of actions his administration will take to help curb the increasing number of gun violence incidents in the United States. Included in those actions are new guidelines to strengthen background checks, provide increased access to mental health care, explore gun safety technology and implement more aggressive enforcement of current laws. One of the agencies tasked with helping to enforce those laws is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). As a bureau within the Department of Justice, the ATF plays a key role in stopping the illegal use and trafficking of…

April 25, 2016

Press Release

New report on Ayotzinapa disappearances in Mexico reveals government’s determination to sweep tragedy under the carpet

A damning report by an independent group of experts into the enforced disappearance of 43 Mexican students in September 2014 is yet another dark stain in the Mexican government's atrocious human rights record, said Amnesty International.

April 25, 2016

Press Release

Obama and Congress Must Do More for Refugees

In response to President Obama’s foreign policy speech today in Hannover, Germany describing the need for continued engagement in the refugee crisis, Amnesty International USA’s interim executive director Margaret Huang, issued the following statement.

April 25, 2016

Press Release

Authorities fail to curb brutal killing spree as LGBTI editor hacked to death in Bangladesh

Xulhaz Mannan, 35, the editor of Roopbaan, Bangladesh’s first LGBTI magazine, and his friend Tanay Mojumdar were both hacked to death today after a group of attackers posed as couriers to gain entry to Mannan’s apartment.

April 25, 2016

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Counter-terror court sentences human rights activist in relentless onslaught against civil society

The sentencing of human rights activist Issa al-Hamid to nine years in prison and a travel ban of equal duration is the latest evidence of the Saudi Arabian authorities’ resolve to continue their ruthless onslaught against civil society in the Kingdom, said Amnesty International.

April 24, 2016


Are U.S. weapons being used to kill Yemeni civilians?

Over the following year, the conflict has spread and fighting has engulfed the entire country. Horrific human rights abuses, as well as war crimes, are being committed throughout the country causing unbearable suffering for civilians.

April 23, 2016