
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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If We Fail Our Environment, We Fail to Protect Our Human Rights

“If we fail our environment, we fail to protect our human rights.” -Ban Ki-moon Human rights, dignity, livelihood, health and wellbeing are directly correlated with the health of the environment. We have seen time and time again that corporate actions often have devastating effects on the human rights of individuals around the world. From the Bhopal chemical disaster to the oil spills in the Niger Delta, failures to protect our environment impact the lives of millions and have ongoing and devastating consequences for future generations. There is an undeniable tie between respect for human rights and environmental rights. Here's why: The 1984 gas leak…

April 22, 2016

Press Release

FIFA/Qatar: New monitoring body ‘step in right direction’ but action on abuses needed now

Responding to FIFA's announcement of a new oversight body to monitor working conditions on stadiums for the 2022 World Cup Mustafa Qadri, Amnesty International's Gulf Migrants Rights Researcher said: 

April 22, 2016

Press Release

Nigeria: Military cover-up of mass slaughter at Zaria exposed

Mass slaughter of hundreds of men, women and children by soldiers in Zaria and the attempted cover-up of this crime demonstrates an utter contempt for human life and accountability, said Amnesty International as it publishes evidence gathered on the ground revealing how the Nigerian military burned people alive, razed buildings and dumped victims’ bodies in mass graves.  

April 22, 2016

Press Release

Burkina Faso: Forced and early marriage puts thousands of girls at risk

Early and forced marriage in Burkina Faso is robbing thousands of girls as young as 13 of their childhood, while the cost of contraception and other barriers prevent them from choosing if and when to have children, Amnesty International said in a report published today.

April 22, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

Unearthing the truth: Unlawful killings and mass cover-up in Zaria

Mass slaughter of hundreds of men, women and children by soldiers in Zaria and the attempted cover-up of this crime demonstrates an utter contempt for human life and accountability, said Amnesty International as it publishes evidence gathered on the ground revealing how the Nigerian military burned people alive, razed buildings and dumped victims’ bodies in mass graves.

April 22, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

Burkina Faso: Forced and early marriage puts thousands of girls at risk

Early and forced marriage in Burkina Faso is robbing thousands of girls as young as 13 of their childhood, while the cost of contraception and other barriers prevent them from choosing if and when to have children, Amnesty International said in a report published today.

April 22, 2016

Press Release

Indonesia: Police chief’s shocking torture admission only tip of iceberg

The confirmation of the use of torture by Indonesia’s security forces by Indonesia’s chief of police is an unprecedented turnaround after more than a decade of stubborn denial of this practice, said Amnesty International today.

April 21, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Calls on Chris Christie to End Bigotry and Fear-Mongering on Refugees

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie notified the U.S. government that the state is pulling out of the federal refugee resettlement program. The announcement comes after Christie’s assertion after the November 2015 attacks in Paris that the state would refuse to accept Syrian refugees, even 5-year-old orphans.

April 21, 2016


Is the U.S. State Department Understating Human Rights Abuses?

Following last week’s release of the 2016 Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Amnesty International USA conducted a review of the reports and offered an analysis of the reports. The annual, Congressionally-mandated reports are meant to highlight abuses such as human rights defenders being killed, detained or hounded in to exile, along with draconian restrictions on the rights to freedom of expression, assembly and association, often imposed in the name of national security. Unfortunately, this year’s report continues the practice of using diplomatic language to understate human rights violations. The report also continues to bury some cases…

April 20, 2016


Don’t Let California Jumpstart Executions

Officials at the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) are doing everything they can to jumpstart executions after over a decade without them—and with the largest death row in the country, they could fast track dozens of cases for execution. That's dozens of humans killed at the hands of the state. We can help stop them since the CDCR is required by law to listen to us! Tell them it's time to end the death penalty once and for all! In order to resume executions, California needs to pass a new lethal injection procedure. That's where you come in: by state law, new procedures…

April 20, 2016


Torture Is Not the Answer

Too little, and much too late. CIA Director John Brennan this week declared that the CIA would refuse to engage in waterboarding in the future, even if ordered to do so. This was the latest in a recent string of headline-grabbing proclamations from current and former U.S. officials insisting that, if faced with the dilemma between following orders or rejecting torture, they would reject torture. As welcome as these promises are, they ring hollow. That’s because the same U.S. intelligence community was already faced with that exact dilemma, and they got it wrong. John Brennan is exactly right that interrogators…

April 20, 2016

Press Release

Sudan: Government must investigate brutal killing of 18-year-old university student by intelligence agents 

The brutal killing of an 18-year-old Sudanese university student by intelligence agents yesterday must be urgently and impartially investigated, Amnesty International said today, as repression of students in the country intensifies.

April 20, 2016