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Sheet of paper Report

Greece: Europe must shoulder the burden for 46,000 refugees and migrants trapped in squalor

With all eyes focused on the implementation of the recently agreed EU-Turkey deal, the plight of more than 46,000 refugees and migrants stuck in squalid conditions across mainland Greece, is in danger of being forgotten, said Amnesty International in a report released today.

April 15, 2016

Press Release

Terrifying eyewitness video of life under siege in Syria must spur humanitarian lifeline

The terrifying reality of the Syrian government’s relentless barrel bombing of the besieged city of Daraya, outside Damascus, is made brutally clear in a new video released by Amnesty International today amid the latest round of peace talks in Geneva.

April 15, 2016

Press Release

The Eldorado dos Carajás massacre: 20 years of impunity and violence in Brazil

Twenty years on from a brutal massacre of landless farm workers by Brazil’s military police, impunity persists for crimes committed against rural communities in the county -with 50 murders in 2015 making it the deadliest year in more than a decade, Amnesty International said today.

April 15, 2016

Press Release

Malawi: Murder of baby with albinism highlights failure to protect vulnerable group

The horrific murder of a two-year-old girl with albinism highlights the failure by the Malawi’s authorities to adequately protect this vulnerable group, said Amnesty International following the discovery of her skull, teeth and the clothes she was wearing in Balantha Hill in Kasungu district.

April 15, 2016

Press Release

Greece: Europe must shoulder the burden for 46,000 refugees and migrants trapped in squalor

With all eyes focused on the implementation of the recently agreed EU-Turkey deal, the plight of more than 46,000 refugees and migrants stuck in squalid conditions across mainland Greece, is in danger of being forgotten, said Amnesty International in a report released today.

April 15, 2016


Scholars Jailed in Turkey’s On-Going War Against Freedom of Expression: How You Can Take Action

Turkey has suffered from a series of horrendous attacks in recent months. The security challenges it faces are very real. Unfortunately, the rhetoric coming out of Ankara suggests that, under the umbrella of fighting terrorism, the most basic civil liberties are to be targeted.

April 15, 2016

Press Release

Malaysia: Prominent Human Rights Activist Convicted in Politically Motivated Sedition Trial

The conviction of prominent lawyer and human rights activist Haris Ibrahim of sedition highlights Malaysia’s increasing determination to crush any form of dissent in the country, Amnesty International said today.  

April 14, 2016

Press Release

Ruggie Report: Migrant workers in Qatar cannot afford more broken promises from FIFA

FIFA President Gianni Infantino cannot afford to continue the organization’s indifference to human rights abuses in Qatar, said Amnesty International today, following the publication of a report identifying major shortcomings in FIFA’s policies and practices.

April 14, 2016

Press Release

Ban on ethnic Crimean Tatar assembly aimed at snuffing out dissent

Today’s decision to suspend the Mejlis, a representative body of ethnic Crimean Tatars in Crimea, demolishes one of the few remaining rights of a minority that Russia must protect instead of persecute, said Amnesty International.

April 13, 2016

Press Release

Israeli government must cease intimidation of human rights defenders, protect them from attacks

The Israeli authorities must end their long-standing attacks on Palestinian human rights defenders (HRDs) and halt the climate of intimidation of HRDs in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), Amnesty International said today. Israeli authorities must take immediate steps to provide protection necessary for HRDs in Israel/OPT to carry out their work freely and without fear of attacks and harassment. Attacks and threats against HRDs must be investigated and those responsible must be held to account.

April 12, 2016

Press Release

Nigerian military must come clean on slaughter of 347 Shi’ites

Revelations of the slaughter and secret burial of 347 members of a Shi’ite religious group in mass graves by the Nigerian army must be urgently investigated said Amnesty International today, and anyone suspected of criminal responsibility for these crimes must be brought to trial.

April 12, 2016

Press Release

Georgia Set to Execute Intellectually Disabled Man Whose Lawyer Slept During Trial

The state of Georgia is scheduled to execute Kenneth Fults this evening at 7:00 p.m. despite concerns about Fults’ mental state, racial bias, and lack of adequate representation during his trial. Fults has an IQ of 74 and several jurors have said that his lawyer was sleeping during the proceedings.

April 12, 2016