
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Amnesty USA Urges Secretary Kerry Not to Compromise Human Rights During U.S. – China Security & Economic Dialogue

Human Rights should be treated as an essential part of the dialogue, like economic and security issues, and should not…

July 8, 2014

Press Release

Estados Unidos y Otros Gobiernos de la Región Fracasan en la Protección de Menores Migrantes No Acompañados

El nĂşmero de niños y niñas migrantes no acompañados que cruzan la frontera entre Estados Unidos y MĂ©xico se ha…

July 7, 2014

Press Release

Former Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge Will Keep His Pension While Torture Survivors Await Reparations

Steven W. Hawkins, executive director of Amnesty International USA, issued the following statement today in response to the Illinois Supreme…

July 3, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Remembers Screenwriter, Director and Activist Paul Mazursky

Following the news that director and screenwriter Paul Mazursky had passed away Monday, June 30, 2014 at the age of…

July 3, 2014

Press Release

United States and Other Regional Governments Failing to Protect Unaccompanied Migrant Children

Children fleeing unprecedented levels of organized crime and gang violence are not pawns in the political debate about immigration reform.

July 3, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Honors 50th Anniversary of Freedom Summer

Steven W. Hawkins, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, issued the following statement today to acknowledge the historical importance of…

July 1, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty USA Responds to Obama Administration’s Request for Border Control Funds

In response to President Obama's request to Congress to provide more than $2 billion in new funds to control the…

July 1, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Demands Dow Chemical Appear in Court in Bhopal

Amnesty International USA is urging The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) to comply with a summons to appear at a July…

June 30, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Demands Reparations for Police Torture in Chicago, Organizes Anti-Torture Events Across USA

In recognition of International Day in Support of Victims of Torture on Thursday, June 26, Amnesty International has organized demonstrations…

June 25, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Responds to Release of “Targeted Killing” Memo

In response to today's release of the Department of Justice's "Targetted Killing" memo, Amnesty International released the following statement.

June 23, 2014

Press Release

Rally to Demand Dow Chemical Show for its Day in Court

Amnesty International USA will rally outside The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, June 24, 2014 to…

June 19, 2014

Press Release

Secret and Incommunicado Detention of Benghazi Suspect Must Stop

The U.S. government must ensure that Ahmed Abu Khattalah, who is being held in secret and incommunicado detention, gets immediate…

June 18, 2014