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Whom would you suspect of killing Berta Cáceres?

Gunmen brutally murdered Berta Cáceres, award-winning leader of the Council of Indigenous and Popular Organizations of Honduras (COPINH), in La Esperanza, Honduras on March 3, 2016. Almost immediately, the Honduran authorities jumped to the conclusion that she must have been killed in a robbery.

March 9, 2016


Shop assistant Found Guilty of ‘Inciting Hatred and Enmity’ for Sharing Posts on Social Media

Ekaterina Vologzheninova, a single mom and shop assistant from Sverdlovsk region in Russia, has been found guilty of ‘inciting hatred and enmity’ for sharing links on social media. Action is needed to call on the Russian authorities to overturn Ekaterina Vologzheninova’s conviction and respect the right to freedom of expression for all persons in Russia.

March 9, 2016

Press Release

Deep failures in investigation into Honduras activist’s killing put many at risk

The catalogue of failures in the investigation into the death of a prominent Indigenous leader last week exposes the Honduran government’s absolute lack of willingness to protect human rights defenders in the country, said Amnesty International after a visit to the Central American country.

March 8, 2016

Press Release

EU Turkey Summit: EU and Turkish leaders deal death blow to the right to seek asylum

The persistent preoccupation with shipping people back to Turkey instead of making unconditional efforts on resettlement and offering other safe and legal ways to Europe shows an alarmingly short-sighted and inhumane attitude to handling this crisis, said Amnesty International after European Council talks with Turkey today.

March 8, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

Connection Denied: Restrictions on Mobile Phones and Outside Information in North Korea

Ordinary North Koreans caught using mobile phones to contact loved ones who have fled abroad, risk being sent to political prison camps or other detention facilities as the government tightens its stranglehold on people’s use of communication technology, reveals Amnesty International in a new report published today.

March 7, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Responds to Announcement on Drone Casualty Disclosure

Today, the Obama administration announced that it will soon disclose its assessment of the number of individuals killed by U.S. strikes since 2009.

March 7, 2016

Press Release

North Korea: Tightened controls on communications with the outside world leave families devastated

Ordinary North Koreans caught using mobile phones to contact loved ones who have fled abroad, risk being sent to political prison camps or other detention facilities as the government tightens its stranglehold on people’s use of communication technology, reveals Amnesty International in a new report published today.

March 7, 2016

Press Release

Bahrain: Alarming spike in expulsion of citizens arbitrarily stripped of their nationality

Eleven people could face imminent expulsion from Bahrain tomorrow if their deportation orders are upheld in two separate appeal hearings, as Bahrain’s authorities increasingly resort to the extreme measure of banishing individuals after revoking their citizenship, said Amnesty International.

March 7, 2016


6 reasons why we still need International Women’s Day

Women and girls may have scaled unimaginable heights in politics, science, arts, sports and business, but they are still struggling. Not just for equal pay, which is a concern on so many people’s minds today – but for their basic human rights.

March 7, 2016

Press Release

Zaman newspaper taken over as Turkish government steamrolls press freedom

Today’s government takeover of Zaman newspaper is the latest deeply troubling episode of the Turkish authorities’ ongoing onslaught on dissenting media, Amnesty International said today.

March 4, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International urges leaders at EU-Turkey Summit to not wash hands of refugee rights

European leaders’ attempts to use Turkey as their border guard to stop refugees and asylum-seekers heading to the EU is a dangerous and deliberate ploy to shirk their responsibilities to people fleeing war and persecution, warns Amnesty International ahead of the EU and Turkish leaders’ meeting today in Brussels.

March 4, 2016