
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Presidents Obama and Sang to Meet on Thursday at the White House

Frank Jannuzi, Amnesty International USA deputy executive director, issued the following statement in advance of President Truong Tan Sang of…

July 24, 2013

Press Release

“Defending Freedom” Week of Action Highlights Political Prisoners Around the Globe

U.S. representatives from around the country are speaking out to highlight and give voice to prisoners who are being held…

July 24, 2013

Press Release

Russian Court Leaves Pussy Riot Singer Behind Bars

A Russian appeal court decision to refuse parole to Maria Alekhina, one of the Pussy Riot punk group singers jailed…

July 24, 2013

Press Release

Federal Court Upholds Corporate Accountability Disclosure Rule

In a decision issued late today, a federal district court upheld in full the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) "conflict…

July 23, 2013

Press Release

Egypt Security Forces Abandon Coptic Christians During Deadly Attack in Luxor

Security forces stood by and failed to intervene during a brutal attack on Coptic Christians in Luxor.

July 22, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls for End of Abuse Against Hunger Strikers in California

California prison authorities have again breached international human rights obligations by taking punitive measures against prisoners on hunger strike.

July 22, 2013

Press Release

Adele, Yoko Ono, U2, Madonna, Radiohead, Ke$ha, Sir Paul McCartney Unite with More Than 100 Musicians to Call for Release of Pussy Riot

More than 100 musicians have joined a call for the release of the two jailed members of the Russian feminist…

July 22, 2013

Press Release

County Court Stay Based on Challenge to Secrecy of Lethal Drugs; Georgia Continues to Pursue Execution of ‘Mentally Retarded’ Inmate

Brian Evans, director of Amnesty International USA's Abolish the Death Penalty campaign, issued a statement responding to a Georgia court…

July 19, 2013

Press Release

AIUSA Letter to Attorney General Urges Push for Passage of End Racial Profiling Act, in Response to Trayvon Martin Killing

The U.S. government must throw full weight behind passage of the End Racial Profiling Act and the Justice Department should…

July 18, 2013

Press Release

Bradley Manning’s “Aiding the Enemy” Charge a Travesty of U.S. Justice

If he is found guilty of the charge, he faces a possible life sentence in military custody with no chance…

July 18, 2013

Press Release

Morsi Supporters Denied Rights Amid Arrest and Beatings

Hundreds of pro-Morsi supporters detained by the Egyptian authorities have been denied their legal rights.

July 16, 2013

Press Release

On International Justice Day, Survivors of Mass Atrocities Join Human Rights Leaders and Governments at U.N. for Discussion on Accountability and Justice

Global leaders unite in support of atrocity prevention through justice and accountability

July 16, 2013