
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

As 62 Countries Sign Historic Arms Trade Treaty, U.S. Must Sign as Quickly as Possible Following Positive Statement by Sec. Kerry

As 62 countries formally signed the landmark Arms Trade Treaty today, Amnesty International challenged governments to rapidly and rigorously implement…

June 3, 2013

Press Release

Support from Salvadoran Minister of Health Welcomed, but Government Must End “Russian Roulette” with Young Pregnant Woman’s Life

Swift medical action is desperately needed to save the life of Beatriz, the young pregnant woman's who is seriously ill,…

May 31, 2013

Press Release

President Obama Must Make U.S. Among First Signers of Historic U.N. Arms Trade Treaty on June 3

Amnesty International USA called on President Obama today to make the United States among the first countries to sign the…

May 31, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Unveils Campaign to Repeal the AUMF, Calls for Independent Investigations of Alleged Extrajudicial Executions

Today, Amnesty International unveiled a new campaign that calls on President Obama and Congress to drop the "global battlefield" legal…

May 30, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Condemns “Cruel, Callous” Ruling by El Salvador Court in Abortion Case

In response to the court ruling in El Salvador denying an abortion to a pregnant woman named Beatriz whose health…

May 30, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International App for Protecting Activists Nominated for Global Impact Award

Amnesty International is one of 10 finalists competing for four $765,000 development grants from Google and the Global Impact Award…

May 30, 2013

Press Release

Media Conference Friday, May 31 on Arms Trade Treaty and Why Obama Must Be Among the First Signers

As the Arms Trade Treaty opens for signature on June 3rd, Amnesty International USA, Arms Control Association, Oxfam America, and…

May 29, 2013

Press Release

Appeal For Human Rights Defenders Facing up to 11 Years in Jail in Saudi Arabia

The court appeal by two members of a prominent Saudi Arabian human rights organization is a bid for justice amid…

May 28, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Responds to President Obama’s Speech on National Security

President Obama was right to reaffirm the need to close Guantanamo, address the need for greater transparency, and acknowledge the…

May 23, 2013

Press Release

Five Beheaded and ‘Crucified’ Amid ‘Disturbing’ Rise in Executions in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia must halt a "disturbing" rise in death penalty usage that has resulted in at least 47 state killings…

May 21, 2013

Press Release

NYC Vigil at El Salvador Consulate to Demand Authorities Act Immediately to Save Severely Ill Pregnant Woman’s Life

Human rights activists with Amnesty International USA will stage a demonstration today at 1 p.m. outside the El Salvador consulate…

May 21, 2013

Press Release

Human Rights Groups Organize Vigil at White House to Mark 100th Day of Hunger Strike at Guantanamo

On the 100th day of the hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay, and amid growing pressure on the Obama Administration to…

May 20, 2013