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Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Belarus 2011

Head of state: Alyaksandr Lukashenka Head of government: Syarhey Sidorski Death penalty: retentionist Population: 9.6 million Life expectancy: 69.6 years Under-5 mortality (m/f): 14/9 per 1,000 Adult literacy: 99.7 Three death sentences were handed down and two people were executed. The rights to freedom of expression and assembly were severely restricted and peaceful demonstrators were detained and fined. Allegations of torture and other ill-treatment were not investigated promptly and impartially. Prisoners of conscience were denied access to medical and legal assistance. Background In December, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka was re-elected for the fourth time by 79.7 per cent of the votes…

July 11, 2011

Press Release


Contact: Wende Gozan Brown at 212-633-4247, [email protected]. (London) -- Belarusian authorities must refrain from using excessive force against protesters Amnesty International said, after police used teargas and arrested more than 300 demonstrators on Sunday. Social networking websites Facebook and Twitter were also reportedly blocked as thousands of activists gathered in the capital Minsk and other cities clap hands in unison to express their disapproval at President Alexander Lukashenko's economic policies. Tear gas was used against a group of protesters at Minsk's Railway Station Square and protesters elsewhere in the city were beaten by police. The arrests were carried out by…

July 5, 2011

Press Release

Four convicted over Belarus protests

Amnesty International has today condemned the conviction of four Belarusian prisoners of conscience, including former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikau, over their involvement in post-election protests

May 17, 2011

Press Release

Four convicted over Belarus protests

Amnesty International has today condemned the conviction of four Belarusian prisoners of conscience, including former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikau, over their involvement in post-election protests

May 17, 2011

Press Release

Belarus: Amnesty International Urges Belarus to Release Election Protestors After Student Conviction

 Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseTuesday, March 29, 2011Amnesty International Urges Belarus to Release Election Protesters After Student ConvictedContact: AIUSA media relations office, 202-509-8194 (Washington, D.C.) Amnesty International has demanded the release of a Belarusian student sentenced today for taking part in a post-election protest - the third similar conviction in the past week."It's chillingly clear that the three activists have been sentenced on the basis of trumped up charges just because they dared to criticize elections that were plagued by irregularities," said Nicola Duckworth of Amnesty International. "These men are prisoners of conscience - jailed for the peaceful expression…

April 14, 2011

Press Release

Belarus: Amnesty International Urges Belarus to Release Election Protestors After Student Conviction

 Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseTuesday, March 29, 2011Amnesty International Urges Belarus to Release Election Protesters After Student ConvictedContact: AIUSA media relations office, 202-509-8194 (Washington, D.C.) Amnesty International has demanded the release of a Belarusian student sentenced today for taking part in a post-election protest - the third similar conviction in the past week."It's chillingly clear that the three activists have been sentenced on the basis of trumped up charges just because they dared to criticize elections that were plagued by irregularities," said Nicola Duckworth of Amnesty International. "These men are prisoners of conscience - jailed for the peaceful expression…

April 14, 2011

Press Release

Belarus: 16 Belarusian activists and journalists charged with ‘organizing mass disorder’ following a post-election demonstration in December

Amnesty International Press ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseTuesday, January 11, 2011Amnesty International Urges Belarus to Free Prisoners of Conscience Held after Post-Election ProtestContact: AIUSA media relations office, 202-509-8194(Washington, D.C.) – Amnesty International today called for the unconditional release of 16 Belarusian activists and journalists charged with ‘organizing mass disorder’ following a post-election demonstration in December, and declared them prisoners of conscience.   “Sixteen of these detainees are prisoners of conscience, facing trumped up charges purely because of the peaceful expression of their political opinions," said John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s deputy director for Europe and Central Asia. "They should be immediately and unconditionally released,…

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Belarus: 16 Belarusian activists and journalists charged with ‘organizing mass disorder’ following a post-election demonstration in December

Amnesty International Press ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseTuesday, January 11, 2011Amnesty International Urges Belarus to Free Prisoners of Conscience Held after Post-Election ProtestContact: AIUSA media relations office, 202-509-8194(Washington, D.C.) – Amnesty International today called for the unconditional release of 16 Belarusian activists and journalists charged with ‘organizing mass disorder’ following a post-election demonstration in December, and declared them prisoners of conscience.   “Sixteen of these detainees are prisoners of conscience, facing trumped up charges purely because of the peaceful expression of their political opinions," said John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s deputy director for Europe and Central Asia. "They should be immediately and unconditionally released,…

March 27, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Belarus 2010

Head of state Alyaksandr Lukashenka Head of government Syarhey Sidorski Death penalty retentionist Population 9.6 million Life expectancy 69 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 14/9 per 1,000 Adult literacy 99.7 per cent The government continued to hand down death sentences. Public events were banned and peaceful demonstrators were detained or ill-treated in police custody. The rights to freedom of association and expression were restricted. Inadequate measures were taken to counter violence against women. State control over the media continued. Background European institutions continued their engagement with Belarus. In June, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted to restore Special…

March 19, 2011