
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Amnesty USA Urges Secretary Blinken to Center his Visit to Ethiopia on Human Rights

Blinken’s trip will miss a crucial opportunity if he does not put human rights at the heart of his conversation with Prime Minister Abiy

March 10, 2023

Press Release

Tunisia: President’s Racist Speech Incites a Wave of Violence Against Black Africans

Tunisian authorities should ensure an immediate end to the wave of attacks against Black African migrants across Tunisia which started in early February and accelerated following racist and xenophobic comments made by President Kais Saied on February 21, Amnesty International said today.

March 9, 2023

Photo by David McNew/Getty Images

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Biden Administration to Reject Detaining Migrant Families

Following a report in the New York Times that the Biden Administration is considering reinstating the practice of detaining migrant families, Amnesty International USA’s Americas Advocacy Director, Amy Fischer, issued the following statement:   “Amnesty International USA is profoundly concerned by these reports and reminds the Biden Administration of its promise to fully end family detention, a practice that is prohibited under international human rights law. ”   “Seeking asylum is a human right, and it is disappointingly clear that the Biden Administration is committed to subverting this moral and legal responsibility by embracing cruel policies aimed at deterring and…

March 7, 2023

Press Release

Taliban’s ongoing ‘relentless abuses’ must be addressed at UN Human Rights Council

Amnesty International is urging UN member states to act towards ending impunity and ensuring justice for victims of Taliban abuses.

March 6, 2023

Press Release

Belarus: Sentencing Of Human Rights Defenders A ‘Blatant Retaliation’ For Their Work

“This sham trial on politically motivated charges is a blatant retaliation for Viasna’s human rights work. Their sentencing represents a further blow to the already severely repressed civil society and the concerning state of human rights in Belarus. It’s a vindictive act of injustice that requires the immediate attention of the international community."

March 3, 2023

Press Release

Impunity Reigns for Perpetrators of Settler Violence in Israel

Following the Israeli authorities’ release last night of six Israeli settlers suspected of involvement in Sunday’s attacks against Palestinians in Nablus Governorate, Heba Morayef, Amnesty International’s Director for the Middle East and North Africa, said:  "Under Israel’s apartheid system, impunity reigns."

March 3, 2023

Press Release

DR Congo: Rwandan-Backed M23 Rebels Perpetrating Summary Killings And Rapes

Members of the March 23 Movement (M23) rebel group killed at least twenty men and raped scores of women and girls in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, an Amnesty International investigation released today reveals.

February 17, 2023

Press Release

Israel/Opt: Palestinian Lives In Peril As Israel Reinforces Apartheid      

Israeli authorities must dismantle the system of apartheid which is causing so much suffering and bloodshed, Amnesty International said today. Since the organization launched a major campaign against apartheid one year ago, Israeli forces have killed almost 220 Palestinians, including 35 in January 2023 alone. Unlawful killings help maintain Israel’s apartheid system and constitute crimes against humanity, as do other serious and ongoing violations by Israeli authorities such as administrative detention and forcible transfer.

February 2, 2023

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Calls on Memphis Police Department, Congress to Take Accountability for Systemic Failures that Led to Death of Tyre Nichols

It is imperative that the Memphis Police Department not see this as simply the actions of five individual police officers. Rather, the MPD must acknowledge this as a systemic issue and conduct a top-down review of their policies on issues such as the use of unmarked police cars to conduct traffic stops, training on foot pursuits, and the use of force – including the use of chemical irritants, tasers and restraints.

January 27, 2023

Press Release

Meta Must Guard Against Human Rights Risks After Lifting Bans On Trump’s Facebook And Instagram Accounts

Under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, all companies have a responsibility to respect human rights. This means that social media companies, including Meta, cannot allow advocacy of hatred and incitement of discriminatory violence to flourish on their platforms.

January 26, 2023


Letter of Priorities to Incoming US Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Amnesty International USA writes to Ambassador Tamlyn upon her confirmation as the next US Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

December 22, 2022

Press Release

Older People Face Heightened Risks, Unable to Access Housing in Displacement Following Russian Invasion – New Report

Older people in Ukraine have been disproportionately impacted by death and injury during Russia’s invasion and are unable to access housing on an equal basis with others after being displaced, Amnesty International said in a new report today.

December 6, 2022