
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

U.S. Must Not Hunt Down NSA Whistleblower

The U.S. government must not prosecute anyone for disclosing information about the government's human rights violations, Amnesty International said after…

June 24, 2013

Press Release

On Eve of Obama Trip, New Report Finds Dangerously Rising Levels of Homophobia in Africa

Attacks, threats, and harassment of gays and lesbians are becoming more visible across sub-Saharan Africa, indicating that homophobia is reaching…

June 24, 2013

Press Release

New Website Launched to Engage Chinese-Speaking Activists and Supporters Worldwide

Amnesty International has launched a new Chinese-language website containing research reports, articles, and blog entries on the organization’s research and…

June 21, 2013

Press Release

Government Restrictions and Police Violence Threaten Pride March in Turkey’s Taksim Square

Following weeks of violently suppressed public protests, the Turkish government’s declaration that public assemblies in Istanbul’s central Taksim Square will…

June 21, 2013

Press Release

Join Amnesty International Youth Activists and Speak Out to Protect Turkey’s Right to Peaceful Protest

Peaceful protesters in Turkey continue to face an appalling amount of violence and abuse from police forces throughout Istanbul and…

June 21, 2013

Press Release

North Korea Escalates Border Crackdown on “Despicable Human Scum” Who Leave Country Without Permission

A North Korean government ministry’s latest threat of harsh punishment against people leaving the country without permission renews concerns about…

June 21, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Scapegoats of Fear: Rights of Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Migrants Abused in Libya

Nearly a year after the first elections in post-Gaddafi Libya, the human rights of tens of thousands of foreign nationals,…

June 20, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Profits and loss: Mining and human rights in Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has some of the world's most important mineral reserves. For more than a decade…

June 20, 2013

Press Release

Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Migrants Held Indefinitely in Deplorable Conditions in Libya

The Libyan authorities must act immediately to end the indefinite detention of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants, including children, solely for…

June 19, 2013

Press Release

Military Tribunals in Indonesia Continue to Shield Human Rights Violators

The military trial of 12 Kopassus (Special Forces Command) soldiers accused of the extrajudicial execution of four detainees in Indonesia’s…

June 19, 2013

Press Release

Children in Mali Forced to be Soldiers, Now Being Held with Adults and Tortured

Children in Mali as young as 13 who were recruited as child soldiers by armed groups are now being detained…

June 14, 2013

Press Release

Florida Governor Signature on Speeding Up Executions Legislation is ‘Shameful’

Florida Governor Rick Scott signed the “Timely Justice Act of 2013” (TJA) that speed up the pace of death penalty…

June 14, 2013