
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Pakistan’s Death Penalty U-Turn ‘Exceptionally Cruel’

Amnesty International today called Pakistan's flip-flop over a decision to commute Indian national Sarabjit Singh's capital sentence to a life…

June 27, 2012

Press Release

Iran Must Halt Death Sentences of Two Men Convicted of Drinking Alcohol

Iran's Supreme Court has upheld the death sentences of two men found guilty of drinking alcohol for a third time.

June 27, 2012

Press Release

Attack on TV Station in Syria Condemned as U.N. Finds Worsening Violence

Journalists and staff killed today during an attack on a pro-government TV station in Syria should not have been targeted…

June 27, 2012

Press Release

Conviction of Ethiopian Government Opponents is a ‘Dark Day’ for Freedom of Expression

24 government opponents, among them top journalist Eskinder Nega, were convicted on trumped-up terrorism charges, a further chilling example of…

June 27, 2012

Press Release

Charred, Mutilated Bodies Of Syrian Medical Workers – Part of Life-Saving Team Treating Wounded Protesters – Is Further Evidence of Government’s Complete Disregard for Human Rights

Bodies of four men found, three of whom were medical students part of team treating demonstrators in makeshift "field hospitals".

June 26, 2012

Press Release

Investigation Needed Into Shooting Deaths of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanese Camp

Lebanese authorities must launch an immediate investigation into the deaths of two Palestinian men, including a teenager, during clashes with…

June 25, 2012

Press Release

Extradition of Former Libyan Prime Minister From Tunisia Poses Great Risk for Human Rights Violations

Tunisia has extradited al-Gaddafi's former prime minister to Libya, putting him at risk of torture, unfair trial and extrajudicial execution.

June 25, 2012

Press Release

Taleban’s Attack on Afghanistan Hotel Shows Shocking Disregard for Civilian Life

Amnesty International today condemned the deaths of 15 civilians in a Taleban attack on a hotel outside Kabul, saying the…

June 22, 2012

Press Release

Sudanese Authorities Must End ‘Ruthless Crackdown’ on Protesters and Journalists

Amnesty International said today Sudanese authorities must end their ruthless crackdown on protests and harassment of journalists.

June 22, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Stages New York City “Bananafesto” Action in Times Square June 27, Ahead of Historic Arms Treaty Talks at United Nations

On Wednesday, June 27, in Times Square -- ahead of historic U.N. arms control talks starting in July -- Amnesty…

June 20, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Joins Human Rights Groups in Africa to Condemn Illegal Raid on LGBTI Activist Workshop in Uganda

Yesterday's raid on a LGBTI workshop by the Uganda police was arbitrary, and an illegitimate infringement on freedom of association…

June 20, 2012

Press Release

Reports of Helicopter Shipments to Syria Strengthen Need for International Arms Embargo

The Syrian army's increased use of helicopters is putting civilians at even greater risk and further strengthens the case for…

June 19, 2012