
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Immediate Humanitarian Relief in Mali As Food and Medical Shortages Threaten Lives of Civilians

Amnesty International said today aid agencies must be allowed immediate access to northern Mali to prevent a humanitarian disaster due…

April 5, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Welcomes ICC Decision on Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi, Calls on Libya to Comply

Amnesty International said today that Wednesday's decision by the International Criminal Court (ICC) ordering Libya to immediately surrender Saif al-Islam…

April 5, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Welcomes Vote to Remove Death Penalty in Connecticut

Amnesty International USA today applauded the Connecticut State Senate for passing Senate Bill 280, which repeals the death penalty in…

April 5, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Demands Russia Release Punk Singers Detained Following Church Performance

Amnesty International today demanded that Russia immediately release three young women arrested for allegedly singing a protest song that criticizes…

April 3, 2012

Press Release

Despite Annan Plan Agreement, Syria Continues to Make Arrests Across the Country, Including Raiding a School, Beating and Arresting 13 Students

Amnesty International said today scores of people are still being arrested and jailed across Syria, including 13 students who were…

April 3, 2012

Press Release

Colombia: FARC must go further and put an end to all kidnapping and hostage-taking

The release of 10 members of the security forces by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) highlights the need…

April 3, 2012

Press Release

Ahead of Sunday Elections, Amnesty International Calls on Myanmar to Protect Human Rights, Including the Release of ‘Prisoners of Conscience’ and Safeguards for Ethnic Minorities

Ahead of Myanmar's elections on Sunday, April 1, Amnesty International said that despite Myanmar's steps toward improving the country's human…

March 30, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Leader Testifies Before Congress on Continuing Human Rights Violations in Syria

Suzanne Nossel, executive director of Amnesty International USA, told Congress today that the world must respond to the grave situation…

March 30, 2012

Press Release

Still No Justice for Women Survivors of Wartime Rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina, finds Amnesty International

It is time the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina enacted its 2010 commitment to ensure justice, truth and reparation for…

March 30, 2012

Press Release

Bahrain: Release leading rights activist at risk of death from hunger strike

A leading Bahraini human rights defender serving a life sentence for his role in anti-government protests last year must be…

March 30, 2012

Press Release

Hangings in Japan significant step backwards

Japan’s decision to hang three prisoners after nearly two years without executions is a retrograde step, Amnesty International said.

March 29, 2012

Press Release

Immigration Enforcement Results in Widespread and Systemic Human Rights Abuses, says New Amnesty International Report

Human Rights Organization Reveals Barriers Faced by Immigrant Victims of Crime, Identifies Indigenous and Latino Communities and People of Color…

March 28, 2012