
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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The Racist Testimony That Helped Sentence This Man to Death

Duane Buck was sentenced to death by a Texas jury that heard an "expert" say his race made him a "future danger." This testimony has been allowed to stand.

December 1, 2013

Press Release

One Month after Drones Report, Administration Still Fails to Explain Killings

A month has passed since Amnesty International released its report, “‘Will I Be Next?’ US Drone Strikes in Pakistan,” but the Obama Administration still has not publicly acknowledged and investigated cases of potentially unlawful drone killings.

November 26, 2013

Press Release

New Protest Law Gives Security Forces Free Rein in Egypt

A new law placing broad restrictions on protests in Egypt is a serious setback that poses a grave threat to freedom of assembly and gives security forces a free rein to use excessive force, including lethal force, against demonstrators, Amnesty International said today.

November 25, 2013


Peace in the Home and Peace in the World: Help End Violence Against Women!

A life free from violence is a fundamental human right, yet women and girls are targeted specifically because of their sex or gender, and violence often affects women disproportionately.

November 25, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Remembers Human Rights Advocate Michael MacLeod

Michael MacLeod, a longtime Amnesty International USA donor and member, former Chair of the Development Committee, and most recently appointee to the organization’s National Advisory Council, passed away on November 19, 2013

November 24, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Applauds Strong Bipartisan Reintroduction of International Violence Against Women Act

Amnesty International USA is urging lawmakers to continue to apply a bipartisan approach to passing the critical legislation that would position the United States as an important ally for millions of women worldwide whose right to live free from violence is under daily threat.

November 22, 2013


Will Sunday’s Presidential Elections Be a Victory for Human Rights in Honduras?

"The human rights situation in Honduras seems to deteriorate every day. It looks like no one is safe from the widespread violence and insecurity. Those defending human rights are particularly exposed to abuses and attacks.” -Guadalupe Marengo, Amnesty International’s Americas Deputy Program Director. On Sunday, November 24, Hondurans will vote for their next president. Amnesty International recognizes this as an historic opportunity to improve human rights in the Central American nation. AI has sent an open letter to all of the candidates outlining specific actions that the next president must take in the areas of Human Rights Defenders Public Security…

November 22, 2013


Backwards March to Human Rights: When Will Russia Wake Up?

If we have to close down, thousands of people across Russia will suffer. If other NGOs are forced to close down - tens of thousands will suffer.

November 22, 2013


Congress, You’ve Been Given Homework: Pass I-VAWA!

The time to act on I-VAWA is now, it cannot wait another day.

November 21, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Oral Testimony before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Hearing on GBV

STATEMENT ON BEHALF OF AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL USA SUBMITTED BY CRISTINA FINCH, MANAGING DIRECTOR, WOMEN'S HUMAN RIGHTS PROGRAM 11/20/2013 Thank you Chairman McGovern and Chairman Wolf, and to the staff of the Commission for their hard work to hold this hearing and for the leadership of the Commission to help end gender based violence globally. Amnesty International USA is pleased to testify at this important and timely hearing. Today I'd like to focus my testimony on the international human rights framework that exists to address gender based violence, and offer recommendations on concrete actions that the United States Government can take…

November 20, 2013


Why Are Human Rights Defenders Still Under Attack in El Salvador?

Just two days before an important anniversary, Salvadorans were given a horrible reminder of the type of wartime atrocities that they had hoped were behind them.

November 20, 2013


HAPPENING NOW: Number of Darfur Refugees Reaches 6-Year High

More than 30,000 have left Darfur and crossed over into Chad as refugees since the beginning of the year, the highest number to flee in years.

November 20, 2013