
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Prominent Russian Opposition Activist Faces Up to 15 Years in Prison for Sharing Information About the War in Ukraine 

Responding to a new criminal investigation launched against Vladimir Kara-Murza, a member of the political opposition and critic of the Kremlin, simply for sharing information about the actions of the Russian military in Ukraine – dubbed “fake news” by the authorities – Marie Struthers, Amnesty International’s Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, said: 

April 22, 2022

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Welcomes “Uniting for Ukraine” But Urges Administration To Do More to Protect Ukrainians and All People Fleeing Conflict

Amnesty International USA welcomes the Biden administration’s initial efforts to welcome Ukrainians through a special parole program, and we urge the U.S. to do more to adequately address the urgent needs of Ukrainians and all people fleeing conflict, including Afghans and other Black and Brown communities in need of protection and direct support from the U.S. government.

April 21, 2022


Press Release

Release Russian Journalists Detained Over Critical Coverage of Ukraine Invasion

Responding to the news that Russian authorities have detained an editor-in-chief and a founder of local newspaper from the Russian Republics of Altay and Khakassia after they published content critical of the war in Ukraine, Marie Struthers, Amnesty International’s Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, said: 

April 14, 2022

Photo by KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Artist Detained in Russia Amid Clampdown on Anti-War Feminists 

The Vasileostrovsky District Court in Saint Petersburg today placed Aleksandra Skochilenko, an activist who replaced price tags in supermarkets with anti-war slogans, into pre-trial detention amid a wider clampdown on a network of feminist-led anti-war activists, Amnesty International said today.  

April 13, 2022

Photo by WOJTEK RADWANSKI/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

New Evidence of Abuses in Poland & Belarus Highlights ‘Hypocrisy’ of Unequal Treatment of Asylum-Seekers

The Polish authorities have arbitrarily detained nearly two thousand asylum-seekers who crossed into the country from Belarus in 2021, and subjected many of them to abuse, including strip searches in unsanitary, overcrowded facilities, and in some cases even to forcible sedation and tasering, Amnesty International said today. 

April 10, 2022

Photo by KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Authorities Close Down Amnesty International’s Moscow Office

Today, the Russian authorities have closed down representative offices of Amnesty International and other international NGOs. Reacting to the news, Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International, said:  “Amnesty’s closing down in Russia is only the latest in a long list of organizations that have been punished for defending human rights and speaking the truth to the Russian authorities. In a country where scores of activists and dissidents have been imprisoned, killed or exiled, where independent media has been smeared, blocked or forced to self-censor, and where civil society organizations have been outlawed or liquidated, you must be doing something…

April 8, 2022

Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images

Press Release

Russian Forces Extrajudicially Executing Civilians in Ukraine in Apparent War Crimes – New Testimony

Russian military forces have extrajudicially executed civilians in Ukraine in apparent war crimes, Amnesty International said today as it published new testimony following on-the-ground research.

April 7, 2022

Photo by RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Apparent War Crimes by Russian Forces in Bucha, Ukraine Must Be Investigated

Following reports of apparent war crimes committed by Russian military forces against civilians in Bucha, Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International, said: “These reports from Bucha are showing a wider pattern of war crimes including extrajudicial executions and torture in other occupied areas of Ukraine.

April 4, 2022

Press Release

Ukraine: Russia’s Cruel Siege Warfare Tactics Unlawfully Killing Civilians – New Testimony and Investigation

The Russian military’s siege warfare tactics in Ukraine, marked by relentless indiscriminate attacks on densely-populated areas, are unlawfully killing civilians in several cities, Amnesty International said today in a new on-the-ground investigation.

April 1, 2022

Photo by KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Russian Authorities Launch Witch-Hunt to Catch Anyone Sharing Anti-War Views

The Russian authorities have launched a witch-hunt by effectively weaponizing the country’s criminal justice system to prosecute anti-war protesters and influential critics of the state who have expressed their opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Amnesty International said today, one month on from the start of the crackdown.  

March 30, 2022

Photo by ISAAC LAWRENCE/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Activists across the globe call on Russia to end its all-out assault on human rights

On March 24, Amnesty International will stage a Global Day of Action to demand that Russia end its invasion of Ukraine — an illegal act of aggression that continues to wreak untold destruction at all levels. Activists in countries across the world will take part in actions and events to mark one month since the start of an invasion that has had myriad devastating consequences for the people of Ukraine, for freedom of expression in Russia, and on the international human rights framework. “Russia’s actions have unleashed a human rights catastrophe. In Ukraine, in the space of just four weeks,…

March 24, 2022

Photo by Anastasia Vlasova/Getty Images

Press Release

Polish Authorities Must Act to Protect People Fleeing Ukraine from Further Suffering

The Polish authorities must relieve volunteers from the responsibility of receiving people fleeing from Ukraine and address the chaotic and dangerous situation in Poland to ensure that they do not face further suffering, said Amnesty International after the organization concluded a 10-day visit to the country.

March 22, 2022