
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Annual Report 2022: Response to Russian Invasion of Ukraine Exposes an International System Unfit to Deal With Global Crises

Amnesty International’s Annual Report for 2022 highlights double standards throughout the world on human rights and the failure of the international community to unite around consistently-applied human rights and universal values The West’s robust response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine contrasts sharply with a deplorable lack of meaningful action on grave violations by some of their allies including Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt Women’s rights and freedom to protest are threatened as states fail to protect and respect rights at home As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights turns 75, Amnesty International insists that a rules-based international system must be…

March 28, 2023

Press Release

Amnesty USA Urges Secretary Blinken to Center his Visit to Ethiopia on Human Rights

Blinken’s trip will miss a crucial opportunity if he does not put human rights at the heart of his conversation with Prime Minister Abiy

March 10, 2023

Press Release

Joint Statement from Amnesty International Poland and Amnesty International USA on President Biden’s Upcoming Travel to Poland

On President Biden’s visit to Poland to commemorate the start of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, Amnesty International Poland and Amnesty International USA issued the following letter urging President Biden to raise critical human rights concerns in conversations with Polish officials. Amnesty International specifically asks President Biden to review recent LGBTI-related policies implemented by the government of Poland.

February 20, 2023

Press Release

DR Congo: Rwandan-Backed M23 Rebels Perpetrating Summary Killings And Rapes

Members of the March 23 Movement (M23) rebel group killed at least twenty men and raped scores of women and girls in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, an Amnesty International investigation released today reveals.

February 17, 2023

David Odisho/Getty Images

Press Release

Twitter’s Decision to Disband Safety Council Threatens Wellbeing of Users

Responding to Twitter’s decision to abruptly dissolve its Trust and Safety Council, an advisory group comprising almost 100 civil, human rights and other organizations that sought to address child exploitation, suicide, self-harm and hate speech on the platform, Joe Westby, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Amnesty Tech, said: “Flippantly dissolving an independent advisory body that was set up to help Twitter users feel safe when expressing themselves online is only going to exacerbate the rampant issues of abuse and harassment on the social media platform. Twitter’s decision to dissolve the safety council harms efforts to protect the right to freedom of…

December 13, 2022

(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Press Release

We Have Become a Nation of Gun Violence

Congress has a duty to the American people to act for human rights and ensure that guns don’t end up in the hands of those likely to misuse them. We stand with victims’ families and survivors, and join our partners in the gun violence prevention community in demanding action.

November 23, 2022

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Statement on Midterm Abortion Ballot Measures

All five states with abortion-related measures on the ballot during the midterm election voted in favor of abortion rights. Voters in California, Michigan, and Vermont voted to pass further protections for abortion, and voters in Montana and Kentucky rejected further restrictions on abortion rights. In reaction to this news, Tarah Demant, Interim National Director of Programs, Government Relations and Advocacy said:

November 10, 2022

Press Release

Amnesty International Responds to Plan to Block Asylum Access for Venezuelans at Border

In response to the Biden Administration’s announcement about a new process for Venezeulans seeking safety, Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International said:

October 13, 2022

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Statement in Response to the Introduction of Federal Abortion Ban Legislation

Responding to the news that Senator Lindsay Graham had introduced a bill in the US Senate that would ban most abortions nationwide after 15 weeks, Tarah Demant, Interim National Director of Programs,  Government Relations and Advocacy at Amnesty International USA, said:

September 14, 2022


Amnesty USA and Amnesty South Africa Make Human Rights Asks Ahead of White House Visit

Amnesty International has urged South African President Ramaphosa and United States President Biden to discuss human rights issues facing both countries ahead of their meeting in Washington D.C. this week. In its letters, the organization highlighted ongoing concerns with human rights issues in South Africa such as gender-based violence, right to education and migration and xenophobia, and in the United States which includes access to abortion, gun violence and Covid-19 tests and treatment, which we hope the two presidents will raise with each other during their meeting. You can find the letter to President Ramaphosa here and the letter to…

September 14, 2022

© Kiana Hayeri / Amnesty International

Sheet of paper Report

Taliban’s ‘Suffocating Crackdown’ Destroying Lives of Women and Girls in Afghanistan – New Report

The lives of women and girls in Afghanistan are being devastated by the Taliban’s crackdown on their human rights, Amnesty International said in a new report published today.

July 26, 2022

Grzegorz Żukowski / Amnesty International

Press Release

Charges Against Activist Accused of Aiding an Abortion in Poland Must Be Dropped

Charges against an activist facing up to three years in prison for helping a pregnant woman access abortion pills in Poland must be dropped said Amnesty International today ahead of the resumption of her trial in Warsaw tomorrow.

July 13, 2022