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Myanmar human rights activist and film director Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi speaks to journalists after a court verdict in Yangon on August 29, 2019. - A Myanmar filmmaker was sentenced to a year in prison on August 29 after he criticised the military, as free expression advocates warn of "grave threats" to those who challenge the powerful armed services. (Photo by Sai Aung MAIN / AFP) (Photo credit should read SAI AUNG MAIN/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Filmmaker Sentenced To One Year In Prison In Myanmar For Facebook Post

Responding to the decision by the Insein Township Court to sentence filmmaker Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi to one year in prison on charges of undermining the military, Nicholas Bequelin, Amnesty International’s Director for East and South East Asia, said:

August 29, 2019

Demonstrators hold placards as they protest outside the offices of Google in London on January 18, 2019. - A global coalition of 60 human rights and media groups wrote to Google chief executive Sundar Pichai urging him to scrap the "Dragonfly" project, a censored search engine for China, which has already sparked opposition from the US tech giant's own staff. (Photo by Ben STANSALL / AFP) (Photo credit should read BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Google Must Fully Commit to Never Censor Search in China

Google must now go one step further and commit to never aid China’s large-scale censorship and surveillance. The company’s past evasiveness on this issue leaves the door open to future abuses. CEO Sundar Pichai should make a definitive statement that it will not engage in any project in China that undermines human rights full stop.

July 17, 2019

Press Release

Indonesia: Arrested after singing a song critical of military, ludicrous charges against pro-democracy activist must be dropped

Responding to the charges brought against pro-democracy activist and human rights defender Robertus Robet, who was detained in the night of 7 March for criticizing the Indonesian Military (TNI)

March 7, 2019


Press Release

Google Dragonfly plans further eroding users’ trust

Responding to reports by The Intercept that Google is still working on Project Dragonfly, its censored search engine for China

March 5, 2019

US citizen, Martha O'Donovan (L), who was arrested for undermining the authority of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe on Twitter, arrives at Harare Magistrate's Court in Harare November 4, 2017. Zimbabwean police arrested a US citizen on November 3, for allegedly tweeting that President Robert Mugabe is a "goblin whose wife and step-son bought a Rolls-Royce," lawyers said. Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) said officers detained Martha O'Donovan in a dawn raid at her home just weeks after Mugabe appointed a cyber security minister charged with policing social media. / AFP PHOTO / Jekesai NJIKIZANA (Photo credit should read JEKESAI NJIKIZANA/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Zimbabwe must drop absurd charges over Mugabe tweet

In response to a Zimbabwean court’s decision to grant bail to Martha O’Donovan, a US citizen who was detained last week after being accused of insulting President Robert Mugabe, Amnesty International Zimbabwe Executive Director Cousin Zilala said: “Martha O’Donovan should not have spent a single night in jail – expressing an opinion in a tweet is not a crime. Her arrest was the latest example of the Zimbabwean’s authorities’ utter contempt for freedom of expression.

November 9, 2017

Press Release

Palestine: Dangerous escalation in attacks on freedom of expression

The Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and their rivals, the de-facto Hamas administration in Gaza, have both tightened the noose on freedom of expression in recent months, launching a repressive clampdown on dissent that has seen journalists from opposition media outlets interrogated and detained in a bid to exert pressure on their political opponents, said Amnesty International.

August 23, 2017

Press Release

Dozens of news sites blocked as Egypt ramps up digital censorship

The Egyptian authorities have shifted their onslaught against media freedom to the digital sphere, blocking access to more than 40 news sites without justification in recent weeks, in an attempt to eliminate the country’s last remaining spaces for criticism and free expression, said Amnesty International.

June 13, 2017

Press Release

Pakistan: Quash conviction and death sentence for alleged blasphemy in Facebook post

Responding to an Anti-Terrorism court’s decision to convict and sentence to death a man for allegedly posting content on Facebook deemed to be ‘blasphemous,’ Amnesty International’s Pakistan campaigner, Nadia Rahman, said:

June 12, 2017

Press Release

Tech industry must speak out against Chinese censorship at World Internet Conference

Leaders from the tech industry gathering in Wuzhen, China, this week for the third World Internet Conference should send a clear message to the Chinese government that they are not prepared to be complicit in the widespread abuse of the rights to freedom of expression and privacy.

November 15, 2016

Press Release

Leaving Edward Snowden in limbo will be a stain on President Obama’s legacy

U.S. President Barack Obama should place himself on the right side of history by pardoning whistleblower Edward Snowden, who faces the possibility of decades in prison for speaking out to defend human rights, said Amnesty International, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Human Rights Watch and a host of other organizations and individuals as they launched a global petition today.

September 14, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

It’s Enough for People to Feel it Exists: Civil Society, Secrecy and Surveillance in Belarus

Belarus authorities are using phone networks run by some of the world’s biggest telecoms companies to stifle free speech and dissent, said Amnesty International in a report published today.

July 6, 2016

Press Release

Belarus uses telecoms firms to stifle dissent

Belarus authorities are using phone networks run by some of the world’s biggest telecoms companies to stifle free speech and dissent, said Amnesty International in a report published today.

July 6, 2016