
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

State-Financed Militia Must Be Held to Account for Extrajudicial Execution in Misratah, Libya

A shocking video depicting an extrajudicial execution by the Joint Operations Force (JOF), a state-financed militia also known as al-Moshtaraka, offers a grim reminder of the deadly consequences of impunity for militias and armed groups in Libya, Amnesty International said today.   

March 31, 2022

Press Release

Federal Appeals Court in Denver Rules Transgender Woman from Honduras Should Have Been Granted Asylum Based on “Extensive Evidence” of Violence Against Transgender Individuals

A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that Kelly Gonzalez Aguilar, a transgender woman, should have been granted asylum based on a record of “extensive evidence of widespread violence against transgender individuals in Honduras.”

March 30, 2022

Photo by KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Russian Authorities Launch Witch-Hunt to Catch Anyone Sharing Anti-War Views

The Russian authorities have launched a witch-hunt by effectively weaponizing the country’s criminal justice system to prosecute anti-war protesters and influential critics of the state who have expressed their opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Amnesty International said today, one month on from the start of the crackdown.  

March 30, 2022

Benjamin Girette / Hans Lucas

Sheet of paper Report

Political leaders and corporate titans put profit and power ahead of people, betraying promises for fair recovery from pandemic

Wealthy states colluded with corporate giants in 2021 to dupe people with empty slogans and false promises of a fair recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, in what amounts to one of the greatest betrayals of our times, said Amnesty International today, as it launched its annual assessment of human rights around the world.

March 28, 2022


Press Release

Taliban’s Backtrack on School Re-Opening for Girls Irreversibly Impacts Their Future

Schoolgirls in Afghanistan told Amnesty International that the Taliban’s backtrack on reopening schools for girls has left them “shattered” and “traumatized.”

March 28, 2022

(Photo by YAMIL LAGE/AFP via Getty Images)

Press Release

Amnesty International calls for access to the country to monitor trials of 11J protesters in Cuba

In recent months, Cubans of all ages and walks of life have been charged, put on trial, or sentenced for participating in last July’s nationwide protests, in largely unfair and opaque proceedings mostly held behind closed doors, said Amnesty International today, as it calls on the authorities to allow it and other human rights observers access to the country to monitor the ongoing trials.

March 25, 2022

AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Federal Government Humanitarian Truce in Tigray is a Positive Step Forward and Must Lead to Humanitarian Access

In response to the humanitarian truce announced by the Ethiopian Federal Government in the conflict-affected Tigray region which Tigrayan authorities have said they will respect if sufficient aid reaches Tigray within a reasonable timeframe, Sarah Jackson, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes region said:  “The humanitarian truce is a positive step for millions of people trapped in the conflict in Tigray region, where meagre humanitarian aid supplies have left people starving - with insufficient food, water and other essentials.

March 25, 2022

Simone Dalmasso/

Press Release

Bernardo Caal Xol should never have spent a day in prison

Today, March 24, 2022, Bernardo Caal Xol was released from the penitentiary centre in Cobán after more than four years of imprisonment. The defender's lawyers reported that a judge had ordered his release for good behavior.

March 24, 2022

Photo by ISAAC LAWRENCE/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Activists across the globe call on Russia to end its all-out assault on human rights

On March 24, Amnesty International will stage a Global Day of Action to demand that Russia end its invasion of Ukraine — an illegal act of aggression that continues to wreak untold destruction at all levels. Activists in countries across the world will take part in actions and events to mark one month since the start of an invasion that has had myriad devastating consequences for the people of Ukraine, for freedom of expression in Russia, and on the international human rights framework. “Russia’s actions have unleashed a human rights catastrophe. In Ukraine, in the space of just four weeks,…

March 24, 2022


Press Release

Israel is Committing Apartheid, Says UN Special Rapporteur

The Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), Michael Lynk, has submitted a report to the Human Rights Council, concluding that the situation in the OPT amounts to apartheid.

March 23, 2022

Photo by Anastasia Vlasova/Getty Images

Press Release

Polish Authorities Must Act to Protect People Fleeing Ukraine from Further Suffering

The Polish authorities must relieve volunteers from the responsibility of receiving people fleeing from Ukraine and address the chaotic and dangerous situation in Poland to ensure that they do not face further suffering, said Amnesty International after the organization concluded a 10-day visit to the country.

March 22, 2022

Activists from Amnesty International demonstrate outside the Russian embassy in Berlin
Photo by ODD ANDERSEN/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Russian Opposition Leader Aleksei Navalny Sentenced to 9 Years in Prison in Cynical Deprivation of His Human Rights

Responding to the news that Russian opposition leader and prisoner of conscience Aleksei Navalny has been sentenced to 9 years in prison for his overt criticism of Vladimir Putin and peaceful political activism, Amnesty International’s Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Marie Struthers, said: “Navalny faces 9 years in prison for calling out the Russian elite for corruption and abuse of power. This sentence is predictable but nonetheless shocking. The world must not overlook this sentence and its significance amid the horrors of Russian aggression against Ukraine. 

March 22, 2022