
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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Press Release

Amnesty International Calls Russian Court Ruling Against Jehovah’s Witness an Attack on Freedom of Expression and Religion

A Russian court ruling which found a Jehovah's Witness guilty of inciting hatred and enmity against other religious groups for…

November 3, 2011

Press Release

Government-backed Harassment and Repression of Critics and Journalists Increasing in Uganda, says Amnesty International in New Report

The Uganda government and public officials are increasingly placing illegitimate restrictions on freedom of expression and peaceful assembly to silence…

November 1, 2011

Press Release

Finland Must Further Investigate US Rendition Flights, says Amnesty International

The Finnish authorities must further investigate newly released data to determine if U.S. rendition flights landed in the country, Amnesty…

November 1, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Afghanistan to Cooperate with Neighboring Region to Defend Human Rights

The Afghan government must work with neighboring countries to protect human rights while facing an increasingly bloody insurgency, Amnesty International…

November 1, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Pressure on Egyptian political parties to deliver on “25 January” expectations

In parliamentary elections beginning on 28 November, Egyptians will ask whether the demands and promises of the “25 January Revolution”…

October 31, 2011

Press Release

As Prominent Blogger and Activist Detained in Egypt, Amnesty International Calls for Independent Investigation of Maspero Protests

The authorities must stop trying civilians before unfair military courts, Amnesty International said today, after a prominent Egyptian blogger and…

October 31, 2011

Press Release

As Rendition Victim Takes Case Against Lithuania to European Court, Amnesty International Reiterates its Call for Secret Prisons Investigation

Lithuania’s failure to investigate its role in the U.S.-led rendition program has forced an alleged victim of secret detention to…

October 28, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Says Saif Gaddafi Must Be Transferred Safely To ICC

Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi must be allowed to surrender to the International Criminal Court to face investigation for crimes against humanity,…

October 28, 2011

Press Release

Commonwealth Leaders Must Stop Sri Lanka Hosting Key Summit, Says Amnesty International

The Commonwealth risks becoming 'irrelevant' if its leaders allow Sri Lanka to become its next host, Amnesty International said today…

October 28, 2011

Press Release

Japan Minister Must Not Cave in to Pressure on Death Penalty, says Amnesty International

Japan’s justice minister should not sign execution warrants, Amnesty International and the Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network said today, following the…

October 28, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Demands Freedom for All Filmmakers in Iran, Following Release of Actress, Sentenced to be Flogged

Contact: Suzanne Trimel, 212-633-4150, [email protected] (New York) – Amnesty International today called on Iran to free all imprisoned filmmakers, following…

October 27, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Demands Freedom for All Filmmakers in Iran, Following Release of Actress, Sentenced to be Flogged

Contact: Suzanne Trimel, 212-633-4150, [email protected] (New York) – Amnesty International today called on Iran to free all imprisoned filmmakers, following…

October 27, 2011