
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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12 Photographs of Hope & Remembrance on 9/11

Today marks twelve years since the September 11 attacks, a crime against humanity. As we reflect on that day and all that has happened since, here are 12 images intended to inspire hope.

September 11, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Welcomes Proposed Steps to Remove Chemical Weapons in Syria, Urges International Action to Address Needs of Millions of Civilians

As diplomats explored alternatives to a U.S. military strike on Syria in response to its use of banned chemical weapons, Amnesty International USA said today governments should seize the opportunity to coalesce around six key steps needed to save lives and achieve justice for the victims.

September 10, 2013

Press Release

Twelve Years Since the September 11 Attacks

Today marks twelve years since the September 11 attacks in the United States of America.

September 10, 2013


Justice for Syrians in 6 Steps [INFOGRAPHIC]

The debate in Congress is inadequate, as it does not address many of the pressing issues of the Syrian crisis. Here are several steps that should be taken in response to this crisis.

September 10, 2013


Go Inside Afghanistan’s ‘War on Women’

For many women, the only option is silence. If they dare to report abuse or even try to escape their abusers, they will most likely be killed.

September 10, 2013


6 Steps For Syria We Want to Hear in Obama’s Speech Tonight

We aren’t naïve about the challenges involved in bringing to fruition the proposal for Syria to give up its chemical weapons. But this is a rare and potentially important moment that should be built upon.

September 10, 2013


Have You Seen What’s Happening to Syrian Refugee Women and Girls?

They are exposed to sexual harassment more than Jordanian women simply because of their status as refugees, which is generally associated with economic vulnerability.

September 6, 2013

Press Release

G-20 World Leaders Must Not Squander Chance to Save Lives in Syria

Easing the suffering of millions of civilians affected by Syria’s ongoing armed conflict must be a top priority for world leaders meeting at the G-20 Summit in St. Petersburg.

September 5, 2013

Press Release

Congress and Administration Must Address Syrian Refugee Crisis and International Accountability for War Crimes

Frank Jannuzi, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) deputy executive director, issued the following statement as Congress debates authorization for the use of military force in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons.

September 5, 2013


3 Things G20 Leaders Can Do Now For Syria

The G20 is made up of some of the world’s wealthiest countries. Here are 3 things they must do now to ease the suffering.

September 5, 2013


6 of President Vladimir Putin’s Most Oppressive Laws

Since President Putin was inaugurated last year, he has orchestrated a number of changes in Russian law effectively criminalizing any criticism of him and his security force allies.

September 5, 2013

Press Release

Fiji’s New Constitution Fails to Protect Fundamental Human Rights

Fiji’s proposed new constitution falls far short of international standards of human rights law and is another step backwards in guaranteeing human rights protection for all.

September 4, 2013