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Bradley Manning Verdict: Hysteria Over Leakers, Impunity for Human Rights Violators

Sitting in court for much of the trial, it was hard to watch this young man sit there, stone faced, staring headlong at the possibility of a lifetime in prison.

August 21, 2013

Press Release

U.S. Must Commute Bradley Manning Sentence and Investigate the Abuses He Exposed

President Obama should commute U.S. Army Private Bradley Manning’s sentence to time already served to allow his immediate release.

August 20, 2013

Press Release

Continued Bloodshed Underscore Urgent Need to Halt Arms to Egypt

All governments must suspend the transfer of weapons of the type used by Egypt’s security forces in violent dispersals and unwarranted lethal force against sit-ins and other protests.

August 20, 2013

Press Release

Egyptian Government Must Protect Christians from Sectarian Violence

There has been an unprecedented rise in sectarian violence across Egypt targeting Coptic Christians and the Egyptian authorities must take immediate steps to ensure their safety.

August 19, 2013

Press Release

Egypt’s Disastrous Bloodshed Requires Urgent Impartial Investigation

There must be a full and impartial investigation into the violent dispersal of sit-in protests in Cairo this week.

August 16, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Egypt: ‘People were dying all around me’; Testimonies from Cairo Violence on 14 August 2013

At about 6.00am on 14 August 2013 the security forces carried-out operations to clear two pro-Morsi sit-ins in Greater Cairo, ongoing since 28 June 2013. The dispersal came after repeated threats by the authorities to remove the protesters, who they said were "terrorists" endangering "national security". The smaller sit-in in al-Nahda, by Cairo University, was cleared with relative ease after a couple of hours, with clashes quickly spreading to other parts of Giza, and continuing late into the night. However, the operation to disperse the Rabaa al-Adawiya sit-in took about 10 hours, with protracted clashes documented from at least three…

August 16, 2013


Inside the DRC’s Artisanal Mining Industry

On top of suffering harsh work conditions, many creuseurs - meaning "diggers," as the miners are known locally - are ruthlessly exploited by traders.

August 16, 2013


5 Steps That Offer the Best Hope For Egypt’s Future

For the third day in a row, security forces have attacked supporters for deposed President Mohamad Morsi. Outside of Cairo, sectarian violence has flared up.

August 16, 2013

Press Release

Indonesia: Commission’s findings offer hope for victims of the Aceh conflict

Calls for truth, justice and reparation by victims of the devastating Aceh conflict are gathering momentum despite serious remaining challenges, Amnesty International said as it published a briefing to mark the eighth anniversary of the conflict’s end.

August 15, 2013

Press Release

Egyptian Security Forces Must Avoid Further Bloodshed

Promises by the authorities to use lethal methods only as a last resort to disperse protesters appear to have been broken.

August 14, 2013


Let’s Be Clear – Israel’s Long-Running Settlement Policy Constitutes a War Crime

All Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal. Israel’s long-running policy of settling civilians in occupied territory amounts to a war crime.

August 14, 2013


Life Under Pinochet: ‘I Remember Being Shown Some Very Severe Signs of Torture’

Roger returned to London after eight days in Chile to write one of the first reports that documented the shocking abuses taking place under Pinochet's rule.

August 14, 2013