
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Harmful Errors: Texas Approaches Its 500th Execution

Death row inmates today face a one-in-three chance of being executed without having the case properly investigated by a competent attorney and without having any claims of innocence or unfairness presented or heard.

June 26, 2013


The Future of Human Rights in Iran Under President-Elect Hassan Rouhani

Iran’s challenges are not few, from job creation and stopping inflation to improving foreign relations. Most presidential candidates in 2013 ran on such platforms. However, there was a key issue that was not directly addressed in their political vernacular: human rights.

June 26, 2013


Texas’ 500th Execution Highlights Need for Change

On Wednesday, Kimberly McCarthy will be Texas’ 500th execution. The death penalty is emblematic of the many problems still prevalent, not only in the American justice system, but in society as a whole.

June 26, 2013


What Do Today’s Supreme Court Decisions Mean for LGBT Human Rights?

Lawfully married same-sex couples will now be able to access federal protections and benefits in the same way as opposite-sex married couples.

June 26, 2013

Stéphane Koche has been an LGBTI activist in Cameroon since 2005 (Photo Credit: Amnesty International).


“There is So Much Homophobia Here”: Frank Mugisha, Uganda

This week, President Obama will visit two of the countries that outlaw homosexuality in Africa - Senegal and Tanzania - and Amnesty International is calling on the President to speak out against this discrimination.

June 25, 2013

Stéphane Koche has been an LGBTI activist in Cameroon since 2005 (Photo Credit: Amnesty International).

Sheet of paper Report

Making Love a Crime: Criminalization of Same-Sex Conduct in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report provides an analysis of the legal environment and wider context of human rights violations against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals in sub-Saharan Africa. Recent years have seen increasing reports of people being harassed, marginalized, discriminated against and attacked because of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.

June 24, 2013

Press Release

U.S. Must Not Hunt Down NSA Whistleblower

The U.S. government must not prosecute anyone for disclosing information about the government's human rights violations, Amnesty International said after Edward Snowden was charged under the Espionage Act. The rights group also believes that the National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower could be at risk of ill-treatment if extradited to the United States.

June 24, 2013

Press Release

On Eve of Obama Trip, New Report Finds Dangerously Rising Levels of Homophobia in Africa

Attacks, threats, and harassment of gays and lesbians are becoming more visible across sub-Saharan Africa, indicating that homophobia is reaching dangerous levels, Amnesty International said today in a new report documenting violence and discrimination against LGBTI individuals on the continent.

June 24, 2013


Torture in Mexico: ‘I Still Think It Was a Nightmare’

It took Miriam Isaura LĂłpez Vargas several weeks to piece together what happened to her after she was tortured and raped by Mexican soldiers.

June 24, 2013


Susan Sarandon On Appalling Police Violence in Turkey

I’m joining Amnesty to demand justice for the thousands of peaceful protesters who have been injured due to police violence in Turkey.

June 24, 2013


Loud and Clear: Women’s Rights, In Action!

Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, the General Secretary of the World YWCA, reflects on what it takes for women to claim their own human rights and participate in their homes, communities and governments.

June 23, 2013


Swarms of Brazilians Protest Corrupt Policies

People are reacting to their deep frustration with inflation, unjust policy and corruption.

June 21, 2013