
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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A Hospital in Amnesty’s Office: Director of Amnesty International Turkey on a Sleepless Week in Istanbul

We had a makeshift hospital here for two days. We used our desks and tables as beds for injured people, there were sleeping bags on the floor, and medicine and food everywhere.

June 15, 2013

Press Release

Children in Mali Forced to be Soldiers, Now Being Held with Adults and Tortured

Children in Mali as young as 13 who were recruited as child soldiers by armed groups are now being detained by Malian forces alongside adults and have been tortured.

June 14, 2013

Press Release

Florida Governor Signature on Speeding Up Executions Legislation is ‘Shameful’

Florida Governor Rick Scott signed the “Timely Justice Act of 2013” (TJA) that speed up the pace of death penalty executions in Florida.

June 14, 2013


What Happens in Moscow Doesn’t Stay in Moscow: Crackdowns on Basic Freedoms in Russia – And Why the U.S. Should Care

Moscow’s lack of respect for human rights speaks volumes about its reliability as a potential partner to the United States and Europe in addressing pressing international security concerns, from the conflict in Syria to the danger of nuclear proliferation.

June 14, 2013

Press Release

International Community Must Intervene to End Violence in Turkey

Amnesty International continues to closely monitor violence in Turkey, urging the international community to intervene and prevent tensions from further escalating between Turkish authorities and protesters. Comments made today by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will only lead to more unnecessary violence and bloodshed.

June 12, 2013

Press Release

Guantanamo Detainee Seeks Victim Status in Poland Investigation into CIA Prison

A Yemeni man held by the U.S. military has become the third person to seek victim status in an ongoing investigation by the Polish Prosecutor’s Office into Poland's involvement in the U.S.-led rendition and secret detention programs.

June 12, 2013


Can You Make 1 Phone Call Before 5pm EST Today to Help Close Guantanamo?

The NDAA is back in the House of Representatives this week and the bad Guantanamo provisions are in it again. Pick up the phone and tell your Representative to support closing Guantanamo - but you must call before 5pm EST TODAY!

June 12, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Names NAACP’S Steven W. Hawkins as Executive Director

As Executive Vice President and Chief Program Officer of the NAACP, Hawkins is a nationally renowned attorney and grassroots advocacy leader at the forefront of social justice issues, including death penalty abolition, criminal justice system reform and defending civil liberties.

June 11, 2013

Press Release

Increased Police Repression Continues to Go Unchecked in Turkey

Protests in Turkey are likely to continue to escalate unless authorities engage in meaningful discussions with activists, Amnesty International said after riot police this morning once again used tear gas and water cannons against peaceful protesters in Istanbul’s Taksim Square and Gezi Park.

June 11, 2013

Press Release

Turkish Prime Minister’s Words Will Only Exacerbate Violence

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced in a televised speech on Tuesday that he would no longer tolerate the protests that have shaken the country for nearly two weeks.

June 11, 2013

Press Release

Iran Escalates Crackdown on Dissent Ahead of Elections

Iran's authorities have intensified the clampdown on dissidents ahead of the country's presidential election on Friday.

June 11, 2013


New Report and Satellite Images Demonstrate “Scorched Earth” Tactics Against Civilians in Blue Nile, Sudan

Since 2011, over 150,000 people from Blue Nile state alone, have fled across the border to languish in refugee camps in Ethiopia and South Sudan, with tens of thousands internally-displaced within Sudan itself.

June 11, 2013