
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Turkish Crackdown Intensifies: Take Action Today!

As international condemnation of Turkish police repression against peaceful protestors continues, the Turkish government doubled down early this morning, with an early morning raid on Taksim Square.

June 11, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

We Had No Time To Bury Them: War Crimes in Sudan’s Blue Nile State

Some 150,000 people from Blue Nile state languish in a string of refugee camps in neighboring Ethiopia and South Sudan, and tens of thousands more have been forcibly displaced within Sudan. And although the frequency of armed clashes between Sudanese government and rebel forces has diminished, violence against civilians continues.

June 10, 2013

Press Release

New Evidence of Scorched Earth Tactics Against Sudanese Civilians in Blue Nile

New satellite imagery and eyewitness testimonies from rebel-held areas in Sudan’s Blue Nile State show that Sudanese military forces have resorted to brutal scorched earth tactics to drive out the civilian population.

June 10, 2013


In Turkey, Thousands Continue Peaceful Protests, Want Prime Minister to Listen

Amnesty International Turkey researcher Andrew Gardner video blogs from Taksim Square, Istanbul, where tens of thousands continue their peaceful protests.

June 10, 2013


Do You Know Who is Detained at Guantanamo Bay?

Amnesty International calls on the President to immediately undertake lawful and safe detainee transfers as a matter of priority. The USA should not place any conditions on transfers of detainees that would, if imposed by the receiving government, violate international human rights law and standards.

June 10, 2013

Press Release

Paramilitary Plan to Kill Human Rights Activist Exposed in Colombia

The Colombian authorities must ensure the safety of a human rights defender and his family after an anonymous source warned local police that paramilitaries are intending to kill them, said Amnesty International.

June 7, 2013


Egypt: It’s Time to Address Violence Against Women in All its Forms

Violence against women in Egypt gained international attention following a series of sexual assaults on women in the vicinity of Tahrir Square earlier this year. Unfortunately, these instances of violence against women were neither isolated nor unique.

June 7, 2013


Participation Rights Are Women’s Rights!

When women participate, things change! Join 50 Days of Action for Women and Girls: speak up and protect human rights.

June 7, 2013


Urgent Action Needed in Turkey to Stop Police Violence

This is an urgent, on-going crisis and we need to ensure that human rights are protected. Here’s how you can help stop the police repression.

June 7, 2013


Race And Justice In North Carolina: Sinking Into The Past

History in a place like North Carolina is like gravity; it’s a powerful force that’s hard to pull away from. After years of struggling to get beyond their past, North Carolinians are now seeing an example of their state sinking back into it.

June 7, 2013


Natan Blanc is FREE

While Amnesty welcomes the release of Natan Blanc, we remain concerned about the treatment of conscientious objectors in Israel and the current, inadequate system in place.

June 7, 2013


What Great Powers Do

They don’t respond to the tragic self-immolation of more than 100 Tibetans by further tightening the screws. And Great Powers don’t imprison people indefinitely without charge on Caribbean Islands.

June 7, 2013