
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Sheet of paper Report

Words, War, and the Rule of Law

In a landmark speech delivered on 23 May 2013, President Barack Obama revisited his administration’s framework for US counter-terrorism strategy four years after a similar address he gave early in his first term.

June 4, 2013


What You Can Do NOW to Stop the Abuse of Protestors in Turkey

As protests continue to rock Turkish cities, Amnesty International has warned that injuries due to "police abuse will continue to escalate unless the authorities bring police tactics in line with basic human rights standards." Here is what you can do about it.

June 4, 2013


Join HBO and Send ‘A Punk Prayer’ For Pussy Riot

Send the women of Pussy Riot a message of solidarity by getting on our map and tune into HBO's Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer on Monday, June 10th at 9p/8c.

June 4, 2013

Press Release

As 62 Countries Sign Historic Arms Trade Treaty, U.S. Must Sign as Quickly as Possible Following Positive Statement by Sec. Kerry

As 62 countries formally signed the landmark Arms Trade Treaty today, Amnesty International challenged governments to rapidly and rigorously implement the lifesaving document. In the United States - the largest arms dealer in the world – the organization welcomed Secretary of State John Kerry’s positive statement on the treaty and urged the Obama administration to sign the document as soon as possible.

June 3, 2013

Press Release

USA Must Allow Bradley Manning to Use ‘Public Interest’ Defense

Bradley Manning must be allowed to argue that he acted in the public interest when he distributed information to Wikileaks.

June 3, 2013

Press Release

Alarming Increase in Police Violence and Abusive Force Against Peaceful Protestors in Turkey

Amnesty International continues to be concerned for the health of injured members of the public following unprecedented and abusive use of force by police officers against protesters in cities across Turkey.

June 3, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Responds to Passing of Senator Lautenberg

Frank Jannuzi, deputy executive director for Amnesty International USA, issued the following statement in response to the passing of United States Senator Frank Lautenberg from New Jersey.

June 3, 2013


Which Human Rights Defenders Are Most Often Attacked in the Americas?

Impunity is one of the ]three main factors that contribute to the alarmingly high level of attacks against land activists in the Americas. You can help change the last factor by taking action now!

June 3, 2013


What the U.S.’s Signature Would Mean to the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

Signature by the world’s largest arms exporter would carry great weight in the international sphere, placing moral and political pressure on remaining states to sign.

June 3, 2013


Cartoon Candidate Only One Addressing Human Rights in Iranian Election

Only one candidate is seriously addressing the issue of human rights in the lead-up to Iran’s presidential election on June 14. Her name is Zahra and - oh, by the way - she is not real.

May 31, 2013


Protests in Turkey: Three Steps You Can Take Now to Halt Police Repression!

Images of Turkish police employing shockingly excessive measures against peaceful demonstrators. Take action now to help protect their rights!

May 31, 2013


7 Recommendations to President Obama on Guantanamo, Torture & Drones

While there were encouraging signs in President Obama’s speech on national security, the continuing absence of international human rights law from the US government’s counterterrorism framework remains a grave cause for concern.

May 31, 2013