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Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Kyrgyzstan 2013

KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Head of state Almaz Atambaev Head of government Zhantoro Satibaldiev (replaced Omurbek Babanov) Torture and other ill-treatment remained pervasive throughout the country and law enforcement and judicial authorities failed to act on such allegations. The authorities continued to fail to impartially and effectively investigate the June 2010 violence and its aftermath and provide justice for the thousands of victims of serious crimes and human rights violations, including crimes against humanity. Ethnic Uzbeks continued to be targeted disproportionately for detention and prosecution in relation to the June 2010 violence. Torture and other ill-treatment Torture and other ill-treatment persisted, despite…

May 21, 2013

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Annual Report: Latvia 2013

REPUBLIC OF LATVIA Head of state Andris Berzins Head of government Valdis Dombrovskis Victims of hate crimes based on gender, disability or sexual orientation were not protected under the law. Asylum-seekers lacked adequate access to status determination procedures. The complete abolition of the death penalty entered into force. Over 300,000 people remained stateless. Discrimination Hate crime legislation did not protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people, disabled people, or victims of gender-based hate crimes. Criminal law punished incitement to hatred based solely on racial, ethnic or religious motives. Only racist motives were regarded as aggravating circumstances. In June, the…

May 21, 2013

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Annual Report: Lithuania 2013

REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Head of state Dalia Grybauskaitė Head of government Algirdas Butkevičius (replaced Andrius Kubilius) A lack of accountability persisted over complicity in US-led rendition and secret detention programmes. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people continued to be discriminated against, including in their rights to freedom of expression and assembly. Counter-terror and security The authorities failed to re-open the investigation into Lithuanian involvement in CIA rendition and secret detention programmes, despite the emergence of new lines of inquiry and flight data presented by NGOs. They also failed to bring to justice any individuals responsible for human rights violations…

May 21, 2013

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Annual Report: Macedonia 2013

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Head of state Gjorge Ivanov Head of government Nikola Gruevski Relations between the Macedonian and ethnic Albanian populations deteriorated. Relatives of missing persons abducted in 2001 were denied access to justice. Conditions in places of detention fell short of minimum standards. Background The European Commission again recommended in October that negotiations on EU accession should commence, but the EU Council of Ministers deferred the talks, due in part to the continuing dispute with Greece over the country's name. Relations between Macedonians and ethnic Albanians deteriorated further. In February, an off-duty Macedonian policeman shot dead…

May 21, 2013

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Annual Report: Madagascar 2013

REPUBLIC OF MADAGASCAR Head of state Andry Nirina Rajoelina Head of government Jean Omer Beriziky Serious human rights violations, including hundreds of unlawful killings by the security forces, as well as illegal arrests and detention, continued to take place with almost total impunity. Political leaders, journalists, pastors and lawyers, as well as others critical of the authorities, were intimidated and some jailed following unfair trials. Background The political and social situation remained tense and security volatile in some parts of the country, especially the south. Some important provisions of the “Roadmap for Ending the Crisis in Madagascar”, signed in September…

May 21, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Maldives 2013

Republic of Maldives Head of state and government Mohamed Waheed (replaced Mohamed Nasheed) The controversial resignation of the President in early February was followed by months of protest and political repression across the archipelago. Security forces used excessive force – including truncheons and pepper-spraying people in the eyes – to suppress demonstrations that were largely peaceful. Supporters of the former President's Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) were targeted for attack in February. Detainees were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment. Weaknesses in the justice system perpetuated impunity for human rights violations. Background Months of party rivalry and unrest, followed by a…

May 21, 2013

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Annual Report: Mali 2013

REPUBLIC OF MALI Interim head of state Diouncounda Traoré (replaced Amadou Toumani Touré) Interim head of government Django Cissoko (replaced Cissé Mariam Kaïdama Sidibé) The armed conflict in the north of the country and the military coup that ensued led to very serious human rights violations committed by the security forces, including extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances and torture. Armed groups in the north committed abuses including sexual violence, deliberate and arbitrary killings and corporal punishments. Both sides recruited child soldiers. Background In January, Tuareg and Islamist armed groups launched an uprising which triggered in March a military coup in the…

May 21, 2013

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Annual Report: Mongolia 2013

Mongolia Head of state Tsakhia Elbegdorj Head of government Norovyn Altankhuyag (replaced Sükhbaataryn Batbold) Mongolia took one step closer to abolishing the death penalty by acceding to the Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR. Trials of high-profile individuals, including political figures, failed to meet international standards of fairness. Lack of due process led to forced evictions in ger districts in Ulaanbaatar. Background Parliamentary elections were held on 28 June. The majority Democratic Party formed a coalition government with the Justice Coalition and the Civil Will Green Party. Death penalty There were no executions. In March, Mongolia became a party to…

May 21, 2013

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Annual Report: Montenegro 2013

Montenegro Head of state Filip Vujanović Head of government Milo Đukanović (replaced Igor Lukšić) Verdicts in war crimes cases were inconsistent with international law. Independent journalists continued to face intimidation and attacks. Background Demonstrations against the government's economic and social policies continued throughout the year. Negotiations on Montenegro's accession to the EU began in June, focusing on the rule of law, including combatting organized crime and high-level corruption. After October elections, the longstanding ruling Democratic Party of Socialists was only able to form a coalition government with ethnic minority party support. Former President Milo Djukanović became Prime Minister for the…

May 21, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Morocco/Western Sahara 2013

Kingdom of Morocco Head of state King Mohamed VI Head of government Abdelilah Benkirane The authorities restricted freedom of expression and prosecuted critics of the monarchy and state institutions as well as Sahrawi advocates of self-determination. The security forces used excessive force against demonstrators. People suspected of terrorism or other security offences were at risk of torture and other ill-treatment and unfair trials. Migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers were subject to attacks. Women and girls were discriminated against in law and practice. At least seven people were sentenced to death; there were no executions. Background The UN Security Council extended the…

May 21, 2013

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Annual Report: Mozambique 2013

REPUBLIC OF MOZAMBIQUE Head of state Armando Emílio Guebuza Head of government Alberto Vaquina (replaced Aires Ali) People were subject to arbitrary arrest and detention by police, and prolonged detention without trial. Excessive use of force by police was reported. Appalling conditions in prisons led to riots. Background On 8 March a shoot-out between police in Nampula city and about 300 members of the opposition Mozambique National Resistance (Resistência Nacional Moçambicana, Renamo) resulted in the deaths of a police officer and a Renamo member, and injuries to several others, both police and Renamo. Police had raided the Renamo headquarters where…

May 21, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Ireland 2013

Republic of Ireland Head of state Michael D. Higgins Head of government Enda Kenny Conditions in a young offender institution were heavily criticized. Calls were renewed to regulate access to legal abortion. Legislation criminalizing female genital mutilation was enacted. Prison conditions In August, a new system for the investigation of serious complaints from prisoners by external investigators with an appeal to the Inspector of Prisons and Places of Detention, was announced. The government promised its eventual extension to other less serious complaints. However, this reform remained short of the independent complaints mechanism recommended by the UN Committee against Torture in…

May 20, 2013