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Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Australia 2013

Australia Head of state Queen Elizabeth II, represented by Head of government Julia Gillard Despite the establishment of a federal human rights committee to consider all new bills before Parliament, laws were passed restricting the rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Northern Territory and reintroducing a policy of offshore processing where asylum-seekers arriving by boat are sent to Nauru or Papua New Guinea. Background The government announced that it would ratify the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture in January 2011. However, it had not done so by the end of the year. A parliamentary human rights scrutiny…

May 15, 2013


This Mother’s Day, It Was Motherhood, Not Rape, That Made Congo the Worst Place to Be a Woman

The gross abuses associated with wartime violence against women don’t even factor into Congo’s ranking; the report cites among the highest rates of maternal mortality, child mortality, poverty, poor education and, interestingly, women’s very limited political participation.

May 13, 2013


A Mother Speaks: “I Don’t Want To Lose My Son to the Death Penalty”

The judicial system is meant to be fair, however many of those who sit on death row are up against a flawed judicial system where justice for many lives has yet to prevail.

May 10, 2013

Press Release

Algeria’s New Law on Associations Being Used to Stifle Civil Society

The conviction of an activist in Algeria after he distributed leaflets about unemployment in the country is a worrying sign that a new law regulating associations is being used to restrict civil society groups’ activities, Amnesty International said.

May 9, 2013


What Would You Tell a Victim of Domestic Violence?

In Nicaragua, pressing charges may no longer be an option. The Nicaraguan government must not allow mediation to replace punishment of gender-based violence.

May 9, 2013


Guatemala’s Trial of the Decade in Ten Facts

As former Guatemalan leader General José Efraín Rios Montt's trial resumes, here are 10 reasons that show why the Central American country’s dark past is still relevant today.

May 9, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Eritrea: 20 years of Independence But Still No Freedom

This report highlights 20 years of widespread arbitrary arrest and detention without trial used against anyone in Eritrea who demonstrates dissent in any form.

May 8, 2013

Press Release

Map of Secret Prison Network in Eritrea Pinpoints “Infrastructure of Repression”

Twenty years after gaining independence, Eritrea’s prisons are filled with thousands of political prisoners who are locked up in atrocious conditions without ever being charged with a crime, said Amnesty International Wednesday in a briefing that includes a map offering an unprecedented look at the network of secret prisons.

May 8, 2013


Eritrea’s Independence: 20 Years of Brutal Repression

New briefing and maps expose the widespread nature of repression and extensive network of detention in Eritrea.

May 8, 2013


Who Wants to Kill Honduran Journalist HĂ©ctor Longino Becerra?

Unlike Amnesty, the Honduran government has not demonstrated interest in identifying and punishing those behind attacks on journalists. Take action here!

May 7, 2013


Repression Worsening as Putin Returns Russia to Dark Period in its History

A look at President Putin's re-criminalization of defamation and attempts to stifle free speech on the anniversary of his inauguration.

May 7, 2013


Why El Salvador Must Immediately #SaveBeatriz

Beatriz has been subjected to another week of cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, and have no news regarding action by the authorities to save her life.

May 7, 2013