
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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Press Release

Second Cancellation by Bahrain of U.N. Torture Review Shows Gulf Kingdom “Not Serious” About Human Rights Reforms

The U.N. Special Rapporteur on torture, Juan Mendez, said he was "deeply disappointed" after Bahrain postponed next month's visit, citing delays in "ongoing national dialogue."

April 24, 2013

Press Release

Over 1.3 Million Syrian Refugees Trying to Escape Ongoing Bloodshed Need More International Support

The international community must do more to help the increasing number of refugees fleeing across borders as they try to escape the ongoing bloodshed and violence in Syria, Amnesty International said in a briefing Wednesday that raised concerns about Syrians being stopped at borders.

April 24, 2013


Sheet of paper Report

Freedom under threat: The clampdown against freedoms of expression, assembly and association in Russia

One year after Vladimir Putin's third inauguration as Russia's President, the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly have come under increasing attack.

April 24, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

What is not permitted is prohibited: Silencing civil society in Belarus

This report examines the state of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association in Belarus, rights that are fundamental to the existence of civil society.

April 24, 2013


Looking Forward, Ignoring the Past?

The past is where the future is born; impunity for past actions encourages more criminal behavior.

April 24, 2013


Natan Blanc, Back in Israeli Prison

Israeli authorities have put 19 year-old Natan Blanc in prison for the ninth time for courageously putting into practice his conscientiously held beliefs and refusing to serve in the Israeli military.

April 23, 2013


Reflections on Boston

We all want justice and security, but there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it.

April 23, 2013


Sheet of paper Report

‘Nowhere To Go’ Forced Evictions in Haiti’s Displacement Camps

More than three years after the devastating earthquake that left over 200,000 people dead and some 2.3 million homeless, tens of thousands of families are still living in shelters made of frayed tarpaulins or tin sheets.

April 23, 2013

Press Release

Forced Evictions in Haiti Worsen Dire Situation for Families Left Homeless by 2010 Earthquake, Says New Report

Forced evictions from displacement camps are worsening the already desperate situation for Haitians more than three years after the devastating 2010 earthquake, Amnesty International said Tuesday in a new report that found almost 1,000 families evicted from camps this year.

April 22, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Condemns Boston Attacks & Calls for Rights to Be Upheld

Victims have a right to remedy, including the right to have the truth of what happened publicly established and those responsible brought to justice in proceedings that reaffirm the rule of law and respect the human rights of all.

April 22, 2013


#Remember #Noxolo, Murdered in South Africa Without Justice

You can take action, urging the police to properly investigate all cases of LGBTI violence in South Africa. As human rights defenders, we have a responsibility to take a stand and ensure Noxolo, and all victims of violence, are not forgotten.

April 22, 2013


‘Anyone Who Says We Live Comfortably on Death Row Has Obviously Never Been There’

More than 300 prisoners across the USA – including 18 who were on death row – have been exonerated in the past few decades after DNA evidence played a major part in establishing their innocence.

April 22, 2013