
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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Press Release

Unfolding Humanitarian Catastrophe in Southern Kordofan Likely to Get Worse, New Report Warns

Amnesty International warned today in a new report that civilians in Southern Kordofan face an unfolding catastrophe caused by indiscriminate bombings, massive displacement, and a lack of humanitarian assistance. The situation is likely to get worse in the coming months as food supplies dwindle and the rainy season makes roads impassable.

April 15, 2013


Five ‘Crimes’ That Can Get You Killed

Here's a list of some "crimes" that, in some parts of the world, can get you killed.

April 15, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Ukraine: Don’t stop halfway. Government must use new Criminal Procedure Code to end torture.

The Ukrainian authorities must seize the current political opportunity to stop the high level of torture and other ill treatment being carried out by its police force by creating a genuinely independent, impartial and effective institution to investigate complaints against the police.

April 15, 2013

Press Release

Cammie Croft Named as AIUSA’s Chief Digital Officer

Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) announced today that nationally renowned digital and technology strategist Cammie Croft has joined the organization as Chief Digital Officer.

April 12, 2013


Save Abdullah From the Ultimate Human Rights Violation

Pressure from activists like you likely helped spare Abdullah's life. But make no mistake - his execution is imminent.

April 11, 2013


Who’s Next To Abolish The Death Penalty – Delaware?

The state of Delaware is known as the “Small Wonder”, but it has a surprisingly large death row.  With 17 men (10 of them African American) facing execution, Delaware’s death row is more than twice as big as Virginia’s, and more than 3 times the size of Maryland’s.  And Delaware has the third highest per capita execution rate of any state in the U.S. (behind Oklahoma and Texas). But now, a bill making its way through the state legislature may mean than no one else will be sent to Delaware’s death row.  A death penalty repeal bill has already cleared…

April 11, 2013


Thank You For Participating in the 2012 Letter Writing Marathon!

During Amnesty International's 2012 Letter Writing Marathon, 500,000 people across 77 countries took almost 2 million actions on 12 cases.

April 10, 2013


The Bradley Manning Trials

Today I am going to observe the pre-trial hearings in US v. Manning that are taking place at Fort Meade, Maryland this week.

April 10, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Iraq: A decade of abuses

This report describes some of the worst human rights abuses in Iraq today and calls for urgent state action to address them and ensure full accountability.

April 9, 2013


The Slow Decline Of The Death Penalty Continues

Amnesty International's new report reveals that the trend towards worldwide death penalty abolition continued in 2012, albeit not without some setbacks.

April 9, 2013


Inaction by Authorities Leads to Violence in Egypt

Pattern of inaction contributes to the sense of injustice, discrimination and vulnerability felt by Christians in Egypt, and leads perpetrators to believe that they can attack Christians and get away with it.

April 9, 2013


A West Bank Village Protests Against Israel’s Military Occupation

The climate of impunity allows for daily abuses by Israeli forces in the OPT. We had a taste of this ourselves.

April 9, 2013