
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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Press Release

One Year after Pussy Riot Protest, Russia Continues Attack on Freedom of Expression

A year after the Russian punk band Pussy Riot performed a protest song in Moscow's main Orthodox cathedral, the crackdown of freedom of expression has only worsened in Russia as authorities continue to clamp down on human rights, political activists, and non-governmental organizations, said Amnesty International.

February 20, 2013

Press Release

Massive Arms Bazaar in Abu Dhabi Exposes Flaws in Upcoming Arms Trade Treaty Talks

The United States, China, European Union states, and other arms-exporting countries must ensure that any deals brokered at an international arms fair in Abu Dhabi this week do not result in weapons reaching countries where they could contribute to serious human rights abuses, said Amnesty International.

February 20, 2013


The Shameful Spectacle Of Georgia’s Death Penalty

Less than half an hour before he was to be put to death, and after he had taken a sedative to prepare for his execution, Warren Hill was granted two simultaneous stays of execution.

February 20, 2013


Twitter to the Rescue? How Social Media is Transforming Human Rights Monitoring

Social media is increasingly helpful to not only monitor emerging human rights emergencies, but also to uncover incorrect information.

February 20, 2013


Is Haiti’s Justice System Up to the Test?

Bringing former Haitian President Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier to justice over his alleged responsibility for crimes such as torture, killings and disappearances during his time in office is proving particularly challenging.

February 20, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Nepal: The search for justice

Impunity is a longstanding problem in Nepal where lack of political will to account for past and present actions of the politically well-connected is compounded by other obstacles to justice, especially for those who lack financial resources or social influence.

February 20, 2013

Press Release

President Obama Must Back U.S. Adoption of Arms Trade Treaty

With two-thirds of the world's countries supporting a global Arms Trade Treaty, Amnesty International is rallying supporters to urge President Barack Obama to lead a life-saving effort to adopt the treaty when a second round of talks opens at the United Nations in March.

February 19, 2013

Press Release

Planned Execution of Mentally Disabled Georgia Man is “Appalling”

With an execution date set by Georgia for Tuesday for prisoner Warren Hill, Amnesty International USA issued the following comments from Brian Evans of the Campaign to Abolish the Death Penalty.

February 19, 2013


Iranians in Outer Space–and Their Scientists in Prison?

One example of Iran’s persecution of its best and brightest is that of Omid Kokabee, a young physicist specializing in optics and photonics.

February 19, 2013


Why is Turkey Prosecuting Yet Another Artist?

It is a cold winter for freedom of expression in Turkey. Thousands are in prison or in pre-trial detention under Turkey’s bloated anti-terrorism laws, including nearly three thousand students.

February 19, 2013

Press Release

Join Amnesty International USA for a Special Screening of Oscar-nominated, “No,” on Thursday, February 21

Amnesty International USA, in partnership with Reporters Without Borders Freedom House and Participant Media, will hold a pre-release screening of the Oscar-nominated film “No,” followed by a panel on freedom of expression on Thursday, February 21.

February 15, 2013


We Danced with a Purpose: Amnesty and One Billion Rising

On Feb. 14th we rose for women's rights with purpose: to hold governments and those who would commit gender-based violence accountable.

February 15, 2013