
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Five Reasons for Engagement Following the Egyptian Uprising

On the second anniversary of the Egyptian Jan. 25 uprising, there's a strong sense that the hopes of Tahrir Square have been tarnished. But the Egyptians haven't given up on the spirit of Tahrir Square. We shouldn't either.

January 25, 2013


Thai Journalist and Human Rights Activist Sentenced to 10 Years for Defaming the King

On January 23rd, a court in Thailand sentenced journalist and human rights defender Somyot Prueksakasemsuk to ten years of prison for publishing two articles which allegedly insult the 85 year-old king.

January 25, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

USA: Chronicle of Immunity Foretold

It's time for change on counter-terrorism violations after another year of blocking truth, remedy and accountability.

January 24, 2013


The Children Left Out of Obama’s Inaugural Speech

Why do children in Uganda, the DRC and Mali continue to have a target on their back? Because a global free-for-all lets weapons flow into the hands of armed groups and governments who, in turn, recruit children and commit other grave abuses.

January 24, 2013

Press Release

Egypt’s Morsi Continues To Allow Security Forces To Get Away With Murder

Egypt must ensure the deaths of hundreds of protesters since early 2011 are independently and effectively investigated if the country is to move away from human rights abuses that defined the Mubarak-era, said Amnesty International in a new report marking the second anniversary of the "January 25 Revolution."

January 24, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Welcomes UN Inquiry Into U.S. Drone Program

Frank Jannuzi, Amnesty International USA deputy executive director, issued the following statement in response to the announcement that the United Nations has launched an inquiry into the U.S. government's drone program.

January 24, 2013


Saudi Arabia’s Attack on Foreign Domestic Workers

Saudi Arabia has a long, infamous history of denying legal rights to foreign domestic workers. Two recent cases demonstrate that these workers can't even count on basic internationally accepted protections for juveniles and the mentally ill.

January 23, 2013


Why Does Guatemala Have One of the Highest Rates of Femicide in the World?

In 2008, Guatemala passed a law establishing special tribunals and sentencing guidelines for violence against women. On the surface, such a law says that the Guatemalan government values the lives of women. The reality of continuing violence and flawed investigations, however, sends a clear message to both the perpetrators and the victims that women’s lives do not matter.

January 23, 2013


Dear Congress: Let’s Get Moving Together! Reauthorize VAWA Now!

The Violence Against Women Act fell prey to partisan politics in the 112th Congress. The new Congress must seize this opportunity to reaffirm and uphold the right of all women to a violence-free life.

January 23, 2013

Press Release

China Must Halt Execution of Woman Who Killed Violent Husband

A Chinese woman who stabbed her husband to death after suffering months of domestic violence should not be executed, Amnesty International urged on Wednesday.

January 23, 2013


Dangerous to Stay, Dangerous to Move – the Plight of Refugees in Yida

It’s been nine months since we last visited the Yida Refugee Camp in South Sudan and returning now it’s amazing what has changed – it’s also deeply troubling what hasn’t.

January 22, 2013

Press Release

Obama’s Quest To ‘Complete The Journey’ Must Be Rooted In Human Rights

Frank Jannuzi, Amnesty International USA deputy executive director, issued the following statement as President Barack Obama began the first full working day of his final term.

January 22, 2013