
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Dangerous to Stay, Dangerous to Move – the Plight of Refugees in Yida

It’s been nine months since we last visited the Yida Refugee Camp in South Sudan and returning now it’s amazing what has changed – it’s also deeply troubling what hasn’t.

January 22, 2013

Press Release

Obama’s Quest To ‘Complete The Journey’ Must Be Rooted In Human Rights

Frank Jannuzi, Amnesty International USA deputy executive director, issued the following statement as President Barack Obama began the first full working day of his final term.

January 22, 2013

Press Release

Iranian Filmmaker Behrouz Ghobadi Released from Prison Following Amnesty Campaign with Hollywood Artists

Amnesty International USA announced today that Kurdish Iranian filmmaker Behrouz Ghobadi – the younger brother of internationally acclaimed film director Bahman Ghobadi (Rhino Season) – has been freed from prison in Iran, following a campaign demanding his release that engaged prominent Hollywood directors, actors and independent filmmakers.

January 22, 2013


7 Ways for Obama to REALLY Earn that Nobel Peace Prize

At the local level, Americans are demonstrating a strong commitment to advancing human rights. In recent elections, voters legalized marriage equality in nine states and passed the DREAM Act to expand educational opportunities for undocumented residents in Maryland. In addition, legislators in four states abolished the death penalty. The message to the nation's leaders seems to be this: human rights still matter, and the task of "perfecting our union" remains incomplete.

January 18, 2013


In Turkey, Who Will Be Left to Defend the Victims?

It is hard to ignore the increasingly grave human rights situation in Turkey, where, as part of a broader crackdown on leftists, Turkish police raided residences and offices last night, arresting scores of individuals. Amnesty notes that, among those detained, were fifteen “human rights lawyers known for defending individuals’ right to freedom of speech and victims of police violence.” Some of those arrested had previously voiced to Amnesty their fear of arrest due to their work defending those standing trial under Turkish anti-terrorism laws. Andrew Gardner, Amnesty International’s researcher on Turkey, notes: "The detention of prominent human rights lawyers and…

January 18, 2013

Press Release

In Turkey, Anti-Terror Arrests Target Prominent Human Rights Lawyers

Overnight police raids in several Turkish cities have resulted in the arrest of 15 human rights lawyers known for defending freedom of speech and victims of police violence, Amnesty International said.

January 18, 2013


Russian Court Decides to Not Release Pussy Riot’s Alyokhina

Nearly a year after punk rock protest group Pussy Riot’s performance at Christ the Savior Cathedral, a Russian prison court has ruled not to release jailed Pussy Riot member. The punk rocker's attorneys had petitioned the Russian court to defer her sentence until her young son turned fourteen as she is a single parent.

January 17, 2013


3 Things You Should Know about Mali and the International Criminal Court

Mali is currently facing its most serious humanitarian and human rights crisis since its independence in 1960, with myriad rights abuses rampant, amounting to what may become charges of war crimes and/or crimes against humanity. The International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, announced the Court is officially opening an investigation into the situation in Mali.

January 17, 2013


Rule of Law vs. Repression in Zimbabwe

Amnesty International is concerned that a recent spate of arrests in Zimbabwe signals an intent to suppress the work of civil society and human rights defenders in the lead up to elections-- a pattern seen in the past.

January 17, 2013


4 Things We Can Do in 2013 to Close Guantanamo

President Obama has not yet kept his long-standing promise to close Guantanamo -- but we are making progress already in 2013. We need your help.

January 17, 2013

Press Release


Frank Jannuzi, Amnesty International USA deputy executive director, issued the following statement as President Barack Obama prepared to be sworn for his second term as the United States' president on Sunday, January 20, 2013

January 17, 2013

Press Release

Time to End the Inaction Over Killings of Women in Guatemala

“By failing to prevent violence, mount effective investigations and ensure those responsible face justice, authorities in Guatemala are sending the message that abusing and murdering women is allowed,” said Elgueta.

January 17, 2013