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Fleeing Syria: Entire Towns Empty As Refugee Crisis Grows

The spiraling conflict in Syria might lead up to one million refugees, the UN warns. The international community must provide adequate financial support.

December 20, 2012


3 Things You Should Know About “Zero Dark Thirty” and Torture

There are three things everyone should know about the new film, Zero Dark Thirty. It is not a documentary. Torture did not help find Osama bin Laden. And Torture is immoral, always unlawful and never permitted.

December 20, 2012

Press Release

Russian Parliamentarians Must Reject a Bill that Would Have a Chilling Effect on Human Rights Defenders

Russian parliamentarians must reject ‘Dima Yakovlev’ Bill, Which Would Introduce Severe Restrictions on Non-Governmental Organizations and Ban Adoption of Russian Children by U.S. Citizens.

December 20, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Hails U.N. Resolution Against Female Genital Mutilation

Amnesty International today hailed adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of a resolution against female genital mutilation.

December 20, 2012

Press Release

Argentina’s Sentence Against a Civilian for Human Rights Abuses is “Another Historic Step Towards Justice”

The first sentence against a civilian for human rights abuses committed during Argentina’s military rule is another historic step towards justice, said Amnesty International today.

December 20, 2012

Press Release

Two Cambodian Women Campaigning Against Forced Evictions Must Be Released

Two women human rights defenders facing lengthy prison sentences in Cambodia on trumped-up charges must be freed immediately, Amnesty International said today.

December 19, 2012

Press Release

NRA Must Drop Its Campaign of Lies Against U.N. Global Arms Trade Treaty

Amnesty International is challenging the NRA to end its two decade-long opposition to the treaty, which would help stop the flow of weapons to dictators, warlords and armed groups known to commit atrocities and human rights abuses.

December 19, 2012


Get On the Map!

Sting, Roger Waters and a growing number of artists and activists are joining freedom-loving people who are deeply troubled that Masha Alekhina and Nadya Tolokonnikova of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot are still in prison. A Russian appeals court failed to overturn their sentence in October despite massive pressure to acquit.

December 18, 2012


Death Penalty In 2012: Seven Significant Signs

In 2012, death sentences and executions maintained their historically low levels, and only nine states actually carried out an execution. In fact, the majority of U.S. states have not carried out an execution in the last five years. Just four states were responsible for around three-fourths of the country's executions, and four states issued about two thirds of U.S. death sentences.

December 18, 2012


Congress’ New Year’s Resolution Should Be to Pass an Inclusive VAWA

As Congress gets ready to take its holiday break, time is running out to pass an inclusive Violence Against Women Act that protects all communities.

December 18, 2012

Press Release

New Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto Must Break with Legacy of Human Rights Violations

Mexico’s President must implement immediate and concrete measures to tackle some of the country’s most pressing human rights issues, including abuses in the context of the public security crisis, said Amnesty International in an open letter.

December 18, 2012

Press Release

Acquittal of Congolese Armed Group Leader Should Strengthen Demands for Justice in DRC

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has acquitted Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, who had been charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

December 18, 2012