
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Afghan Women Spoke and Congress Listened

The U.S. Senate took a critical step to prioritize security needs of Afghan women and girls! If enacted, the Afghan Women and Girls Security Promotion Act of 2012 would require the Department of Defense to develop a three-part strategy to promote and support the security of Afghan women and girls during and after the security transition process.

November 29, 2012


5 Reasons the Feinstein/Paul Amendment Doesn’t Fix the NDAA

A new amendment to the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act offered by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and supported by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is being touted in some quarters as sufficient to end concerns about indefinite detention. Unfortunately that’s not true—and it could make things worse.

November 29, 2012

Press Release

South Korea: The politically motivated onslaught on free speech

South Korea has seen a dramatic increase in the abuse of national security laws in a politically motivated attempt to silence debate, Amnesty International said on Thursday.

November 29, 2012

Press Release

Justice Must Be Served for Victims of Kosovo Civil War

The acquittal of three high-ranking members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) after a retrial on war crimes charges has prompted Amnesty International to reiterate its call for justice for all of the victims in the 1998-9 Kosovo war, and their relatives.

November 29, 2012

Press Release

Qatar: Outrageous life sentence for ‘Jasmine poet’

A life sentence handed today to a Qatari poet has all the hallmarks of an outrageous betrayal of free speech, Amnesty International has said. 

November 29, 2012

Press Release

Syria: Shutting down of internet and mobile networks alarming development

News that communications are being targeted by the Syrian authorities raises the alarming prospect that they are seeking to prevent the world from learning what is happening amid increasingly intense fighting in Damascus, Amnesty International said.

November 29, 2012

Press Release

Afghan Women and Girls Security Promotion Act of 2012 Will Help Ensure the Protection of Afghan Women

Amnesty International USA today applauded introduction of bi-partisan legislation in the United States Senate that would help ensure the protection of Afghan women as Afghanistan undergoes its security transition.

November 29, 2012


It’s Never Too Late for Justice: Standing with the Women of Indonesia

For many of us, Indonesia may seem to be a country recovered. We may recall the conflicts in Aceh, Papua and Timor-Leste in the late 1990s, or even the violence that ravaged the country in 1965. We may think of it as a country split asunder into more peaceful parts, a region struck by a tsunami that showed its strength to recover, or the former temporary residence of President Barack Obama. For many of us, Indonesia is a country on the other side of the planet, whose human rights challenges perhaps don’t make us sit up and take notice compared…

November 28, 2012


Sheet of paper Report

The National Security Law: Curtailing Freedom of Expression and Association in the Name of Security in the Republic of Korea

Since 2008, the South Korean authorities have increasingly used vaguely worded clauses of the NSL to arbitrarily target people or organizations perceived to oppose government policies.

November 28, 2012

Press Release

Iran Must Release Jailed Brother of Acclaimed Filmmaker Bahman Ghobadi

Amnesty International today called for the immediate and unconditional release of the jailed brother of the acclaimed Iranian filmmaker Bahman Ghobadi, who was arrested earlier this month.

November 28, 2012

Press Release

Suzanne Nossel Responds to Senator Ayotte’s Reported Amendment to NDAA

Amnesty International USA Executive Director Suzanne Nossel responds to reports that earlier today Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) offered an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) requiring the Obama administration to create another Guantanamo-like prison overseas.

November 28, 2012


Why is El Salvador Cruelly Punishing Women Who Need Medical Help?

Since 1998, El Salvador has had a total ban on abortions, under any circumstances. In March of this year, Salvadoran police arrested a woman (“Mery”) when she sought medical treatment after a clandestine abortion. Tell the Salvadoran authorities to immediately and unconditionally release “Mery” and give her the care she needs as a human right.

November 27, 2012