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Press Release

New Satellite Images Show Hungary’s Rush to Keep Refugees out of Europe

New satellite images obtained by Amnesty International give a chilling new perspective on Hungary's frenzied efforts to repel refugees and asylum-seekers this week.

September 18, 2015

Press Release

Refugees stuck in no-man’s land on Serbia/Hungary border amid appalling humanitarian failure

More than 1,000 people, including many families fleeing conflict in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, remain stuck in abysmal and rapidly deteriorating conditions along a Serbian motorway after Hungarian authorities closed the border crossing yesterday, Amnesty International said today from Horgoš on the Serbian side.

September 16, 2015

Press Release

Refugees in Hungary blocked by forces, criminalized by laws

By effectively closing its border to refugees and meeting those fleeing conflict and persecution with razor wire, troops and draconian new laws, Hungary is showing the ugly face of Europe’s shambolic response to the growing refugee crisis, said Amnesty International today.

September 15, 2015

Press Release

EU interior ministerial meeting again highlights Europe’s dismal failure to respond to global refugee crisis

European Union (EU) representatives have once again dismally failed to show collective leadership and respond to the global refugee crisis, said Amnesty International following an emergency meeting of interior ministers in Brussels.

September 14, 2015

Press Release

Hungary: Deplorable images in asylum-seekers reception center

The shocking images of scores of refugees and asylum-seekers being thrown food by Hungarian police at a registration center in Roszke underscores the deplorable conditions facing those being held by the Hungarian authorities, said Amnesty International today.

September 11, 2015

Press Release

New European Commission proposals still far from solving refugee crisis

New proposals announced today by the European Commission to address the global refugee crisis will make steps towards protecting refugees but will not solve it in the long nor short term, said Amnesty International.

September 9, 2015

Press Release

Drastic change in response needed to tackle refugee crisis

European leaders’ response to the burgeoning refugee crisis has been incoherent and lacking in leadership, ambition and compassion, said Amnesty International as it launched its Agenda for Europe just prior to the European Commission announcing new proposals today to address the crisis.

September 8, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

A Union of Protection: Amnesty International’s Agenda for Refugee Protection in Europe

In the first eight months of 2015, more than 350,000 people reached the EU in search of protection or a better life. More than 244,000 people have arrived on the Greek islands alone, almost 90% of whom have come from war-torn Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. This unprecedented refugee flow is the inevitable result of the worst global refugee crisis since World War II, with around 19.5 million refugees globally, 80 % of whom are hosted in developing countries.

September 8, 2015

Press Release

Refugees face chaos and harsh conditions at Serbia-Hungary border

Hungary should urgently provide refugees and migrants crossing the border from Serbia more humane reception conditions, transport and clarity about where they are being sent, Amnesty International said. With more people bound to arrive, the situation could escalate further. “While Europe rejoiced in happy images from Austria and Germany yesterday, refugees crossing into Hungary right now see a very different picture: riot police and a cold hard ground to sleep on,” said Amnesty International researcher Barbora Cernusakova. “While Europe has failed abysmally to respond, Hungary has a duty to ensure decent conditions for people who arrive. Its hostile approach doesn’t…

September 7, 2015

Press Release

Greece: Thousands of Refugees in ‘Hellish’ Conditions on Kos as EU Commissioners Visit

Today’s visit by European Commissioners Timmermans and Avramopoulos to the Greek island of Kos must result in immediate action to end the prolonged suffering of thousands of refugees, including many children, staying in inhumane conditions, Amnesty International said today following a research mission on the island this week.

September 3, 2015

Press Release

The Day of the Disappeared: Enforced disappearances continue unabated in every region of the world

The use of enforced disappearance by governments to silence its critics and instill fear into targeted groups continues unabated in every region of the world, said Amnesty International as the world marks the International Day of the Disappeared on August 30.

August 27, 2015

Press Release

Greece: Chaos and squalid conditions face record number of refugees on Lesvos

Weak coordination and severe shortages in facilities and staffing are creating dreadful conditions for the hundreds of refugees and migrants arriving every day on the Greek island of Lesvos, which is seeing the highest number of arrivals in Greece, Amnesty International said after a research team returned from the island.

August 25, 2015