
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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Does Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Have Rights?

Justice will neither be done nor be seen to be done at Guantánamo's military commission trials.

October 16, 2012


What’s Going On At Guantanamo This Week? Shhh…It’s A Secret

Military commissions continue at Guantanamo this week. But why so many secrets?

October 15, 2012

Press Release

Forced Eviction of Roma Settlements in France Leaves About 150 Homeless

Around 150 Roma – including some 60 children – have been left homeless outside Paris after being forcibly evicted and having their homes bulldozed on Monday morning, Amnesty International said.

October 15, 2012

Press Release

Iran Must Clarify Fate of 11 Men After Apparent Stay of Execution

The fate and whereabouts of 11 men due to be put to death on Saturday must be disclosed by the authorities in Iran, Amnesty International said following reports that the executions did not take place.

October 15, 2012


The Girl On The Schoolbus

Malala Yousafzai had been a marked girl since she was only 11. The brutal attack on her represents the ongoing forced eviction of women from the Pakistani public sphere.

October 11, 2012


Sheet of paper Report

Known Abusers, But Victims Ignored: Torture and Ill-Treatment in Mexico

This report explores the increase of torture by police and security forces during the CalderĂłn administration, lack of effective investigations and denial of justice for victims.

October 11, 2012

Press Release

Violent Forced Land Evictions on the Rise in China, Charges New Amnesty International Report

Violent forced evictions in China are on the rise as local authorities seek to offset huge debts by seizing and then selling off land in suspect deals with property developers.

October 11, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls on Cuba to Allow “Ladies in White” Activists to Freely Commemorate Anniversary of Leader’s Death

Contact: Suzanne Trimel, [email protected], 212-633-4150, @strimel (New York) -- Amnesty International said today it is concerned about the safety of the activist group “Ladies in White” as the one-year anniversary of their leader’s death approaches on Oct. 14, and called on authorities to ensure the women can mark the anniversary without harassment or intimidation. “Given the Cuban authorities’ shameful record when it comes to the treatment of human rights activists, we are concerned for the safety of the Ladies in White as they commemorate the anniversary of the death of one of their members,” said Javier Zúñiga Mejía Borja, special…

October 11, 2012


10 Reasons Death Penalty Abolition is Coming

On the tenth annual World Day Against the Death Penalty, it is clear that serious progress is being made towards abolition. Here are 10 reasons to be hopeful.

October 10, 2012


Ending the Use of Child Soldiers: One Step Forward

The DRC government recently signed a plan of action to eliminate the recruitment and use of child soldiers in their military forces. But will it be enforced?

October 10, 2012


Sheet of paper Report

Standing Their Ground: Thousands Face Violent Eviction in China

China's rapid rate of urbanization and the pursuit of profit above all else have driven unprecedented numbers of Chinese from their homes.

October 10, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Disappointed by Appeals Court’s Decision to Uphold Two of the Women’s Pussy Riot Prison Sentence

Amnesty International welcomes release of Ekaterina Samutsevich, but deeply’ concerned about Maria Alekhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova’s possible inhumane prison conditions; calls on Russian authorities to release the two women immediately and end repression of freedom of expression.

October 10, 2012