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Press Release

Ivory Coast: UN Peacekeepers Must Protect Thousands of Civilians Caught in Fighting in Ivory Coast, Says Amnesty International

Amnesty International today called on U.N.peacekeepers in Ivory Coast to urgently protect as many as 10,000 displaced people...

April 14, 2011

Press Release

Libya: Amnesty International Demands to Know Whereabouts of Woman Who Accused Libyan Forces of Rape

Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseMonday, March 28, 2011Amnesty International Demands to Know Whereabouts of Woman Who Accused Libyan Forces of RapeOrganization Says Woman Should be Immediately Released, If She Is Being DetainedContact: Suzanne Trimel, 212-633-4150, [email protected] (London) – Amnesty International today demanded that Libya reveal the whereabouts of a Libyan woman who claimed she was raped by forces loyal to Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. The organization said it was “extremely disturbing” that the woman was forcibly dragged away by security officials when she tried to speak to journalists about the assault.Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International Middle East and North Africa director,…

April 14, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Serbia urged to stop forced evictions of Roma

In Serbia's capital Belgrade Roma are being forcibly evicted from informal settlements. These forced evictions are in breach of the right to adequate housing. Some Roma families have been resettled in metal containers, segregated from the rest of the population. This report shows how widespread and systematic discrimination against Roma often gives them no choice but to live in informal settlements, where they have no security of tenure and are vulnerable to forced eviction.

April 6, 2011

Press Release

President of Burkina commits to lifting financial barriers to maternal health

President of Burkina Faso commits to lifting financial barriers to maternal health in a meeting with Amnesty International 12 February 2010 The President of Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaoré, has committed to lifting all financial barriers to emergency obstetric care and access to family planning, as part of a strategy to fight maternal mortality in the country. President Compaoré expressed this commitment during a meeting with an Amnesty International delegation led by interim Secretary General Claudio Cordone, and following the publication of an Amnesty International report highlighting the barriers women face in Burkina Faso to receiving adequate health care during pregnancy…

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Malaysia: Malaysia Urged to End Brutal Punishments After Women Caned

Amnesty International called on the Malaysian government to end caning after three women were subjected to the punishment...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Uganda: Murder of Gay Activist Must Be Investigated

David Kato, gay activist, died after an unknown attacker struck him on the head at his home. He successfully sued a paper...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

USA: USA to provide effective remedies to violence against women and girls with the introduction of I-VAWA

Amnesty International USA today applauded the introduction of legislation to combat the global crisis of violence against...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

President of Burkina commits to lifting financial barriers to maternal health

President of Burkina Faso commits to lifting financial barriers to maternal health in a meeting with Amnesty International 12 February 2010 The President of Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaoré, has committed to lifting all financial barriers to emergency obstetric care and access to family planning, as part of a strategy to fight maternal mortality in the country. President Compaoré expressed this commitment during a meeting with an Amnesty International delegation led by interim Secretary General Claudio Cordone, and following the publication of an Amnesty International report highlighting the barriers women face in Burkina Faso to receiving adequate health care during pregnancy…

March 27, 2011

Press Release

USA: Proposition 8 overturned in California

"The U.S. District Court has sent a clear message on Proposition 8: discrimination by any means is unacceptable. This...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Egyptian women protesters forced to take ‘virginity tests’

Women protesters cleared from Tahrir Square on 9 March were forced to have 'virginity tests' after being beaten and given...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

Sri Lanka: Amnesty International Urges Sri Lanka to End Post-Election Clampdown on Dissent

Amnesty International today called on the Sri Lankan government to end its crackdown on journalists, political activists and...

March 27, 2011

Press Release

USA: USA to provide effective remedies to violence against women and girls with the introduction of I-VAWA

Amnesty International USA today applauded the introduction of legislation to combat the global crisis of violence against...

March 27, 2011