
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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Press Release

Ukraine Must Reject Planned Anti-Gay Laws

The draft laws, which purport to protect children by denying them information on homosexuality, contravene Ukraine's international obligations to protect the right to non-discrimination.

July 5, 2012

Press Release

Amid Violent Clashes, Peruvian Leaders Should Appeal for Calm

The worrying intensification of social conflicts over natural resources in Peru is paving the way for a series of grave human rights violations.

July 5, 2012


Will Bahrain Convict an 11-year-old “Protester”?

An 11-year-old Bahraini boy could face jail time for allegedly "participating in an illegal gathering."

July 3, 2012

Press Release

New Greek Government Must Address Routine Police Violence

Police in Greece are responding to largely peaceful demonstrations with routine acts of violence, while Greek authorities continue to brush off the incidents.

July 3, 2012

Press Release

Militia Rule Strangling Human Rights in Libya, Threatening Progress of Humanitarian Revolution

Ongoing serious human rights violations are casting a huge shadow over the Libya's first national elections since the fall of al-Gaddafi.

July 3, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Cautiously Welcomes Release of Some Political Prisoners, but Continues to Call on Myanmar to Stop Brutalizing its Ethnic Minorities

Following the release of a group of political prisoners from Insein prison, the human rights organization demands Myanmar release all remaining prisoners of conscience.

July 3, 2012


A Historic Declaration of Internet Freedom

Amnesty International joins a coalition of privacy and freedom groups by signing on to a manifesto for a free and open Internet.

July 2, 2012

Press Release

Release of ICC Staff Held in Libya Welcomed, but Concerns Remain for Fair Trial of Gaddafi’s Son

The detention of four ICC staffers in Libya not only denied them their liberty and stopped their work, but it also undermined Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi's right to a fair trial.

July 2, 2012


Empowering Death Row Exonerees To Tell Their Stories

Despite the checks and balances of our legal system, 140 innocent people have been sent to death row. One For Ten is a film project that will help U.S. death row exonerees tell their stories.

June 29, 2012


NYC Learns the Difference Between Bananas and Guns

With only days until Arms Trade Treaty talks begin, Amnesty activists took over Times Square to let New Yorkers know the insane fact that there are stricter regulations on bananas than weapons.

June 29, 2012

Press Release

Egypt’s New President Mohamed Morsi Must Make Firm Commitment to Human Rights

President Morsi must break the cycle of abuse perpetuated under Hosni Mubarak and curtail military power over civilians.

June 29, 2012

Press Release

International Artists Support Campaign for Effective Arms Trade Treaty As Talks Open at United Nations on Monday

More than 30 high-profile Amnesty International and Oxfam supporters, including the British war photographer Paul Conroy, urge governments to deliver a strong and effective arms trade treaty.

June 29, 2012